
Gaia wasn't at home to stop me, which made it easier for me to leave unnoticed. Gosh, Margo will be so mad at me.

I walk up to the door and attempt to knock, but instead, it swings open and he's standing right at the entrance. "Hello, Star," he smiles. "Come in."

I awkwardly nod and walk into the house. "No I'm not in a good mood because someone is trying to market the houses on this street," he groans. "I guess I'll just kill the marketer," he mutters. "Anyway, I'm glad to see you," he says and goes to sit on the couch.

He didn't even ask about my injuries. Well, what was I expecting? "I guess I should tell you everything that happened in Chicago," I say.

"Take a seat," he offers.

"Don't worry I'll stand... it's not like I'm staying long anyway."

He rolls his eyes. "Sit down, you're in no state to insist on standing."

His words take me by surprise. At least he acknowledged my state. I go to sit next to him. "Should I start talking?" I ask, my eyes on the ground.

He didn't reply to me. So I turn to him. He's leaning his cheek on his palm, staring at me with furrowed brows. I see a look of concern flash in his bright blue eyes. "Yeah... you can start," he finally replies.

"So Levi and I met with this Jason guy who had a crush on you when you were in high school."

"Jason," he chuckles. "How's he doing?"

"Well he's a she now, his name is Jessie and he influences beauty products."

"Now where's the surprise," he mutters.

"But he- or she rather was very nice to me."

"How?" he asks.

I told him all about how Levi got shot and Jessie took me in. Then about that guy who came to stare at me through the window and the mysterious person who called me at that convenience store.

"Quick question, did you and Levi have sex?"

"What the hell Ace!"

"Why are you yelling? It was just a question... girls will blush for anything," he mutters.

"So after everything I told you, all you could ask was if I had sex with Levi."

"But did you?"

"No, I didn't. Why do you care?"

He shrugs. "I just wanted to know if he had enough charm to get in your-"

"Alright, that's enough. Please can we go back to the main conversation here?"

"Right, right... so you feel this guy that shot Levi, is stalking you and now wants to kill you, correct?" he asks.

I nod. "Yeah... and it's unsettling."

"Don't worry your little head about that," he smiles. "I already promised I would do everything in my power to keep you safe, and that I will do. But now you have to keep it in mind that I'll be watching you 24/7... while you're sleeping, eating, in the shower-"

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