Probation workers gone crazy

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"Nice entrance. Very dramatic." Nathan commented as Kelly rushed into the room clearly riled up about something.

"The probation worker has just attacked me Something really weird is happening.I'm hearing these voices. It's like I can hear what people are thinking." She shouted her eyes widening in fear at every word.

"Have you been sniffing glue?" Alisha scoffed clearly not buying anything anything she was saying.

"Can we talk about the alleged man who wants to kill us for a second please?!" Maya asked cutting everyone of, her voice cracking as she paced back and forth across the room confused as to why no one else was panicked right now.

"Jesus purple, you are so gullible. How did a child predator not think to kidnap you- all they would need to do is offer you some "sweeties" and you would be in the back of their van on your way to some basement in Sweden.

"Not helping!!" she shouted back clearly unfazed by his comment.

"The storm, the lightning" Simon murmured "it's done something to us."

"OK. If you can hear our thoughts,what am I thinking now?" Nathan asked. Clearly not believing a word.

"The crazy killer man could be getting closer every single second that goes by just so you know !!!!" Maya shouted as she continued to pace around the room breathing heavily.

This is bullshit

"You think it's bullshit?" Kelly replied

"of Course I think it's bullshit!" Nathan replied "You don't need to be a mind reader to know that!"

"Why are you in a wheelchair?" Kelly asked.

"It was the storm.The strange tingling sensation
in my anus has spread through my body
and now I can't feel my legs."

Kelly rolled her eyes before hitting him around the back of the head

"I'm serious! Ow! Jesus!"

"What do you mean, the probation worker attacked you?" Curtis finally asked.

"This does sound like complete shit." Alisha agreed looking towards Curtis and then towards Kelly.

"He is out there and he chased me!" She shouted back.

Maya breathed in slightly. Her heart thumping when she looked over towards the lockers standing in the corner.

A scarlet pool of blood began to trickle down the corner of the locker making a beeline Towards the back of where the group was standing.

Her eyes narrowed as she confirmed what she had saw.

Surely it couldn't actually be there because otherwise they should be starring in a horror movie from the 90s right about now.

"Uhh guys" she mumbled looking towards the locker again her eyes darting from the group to the locker.

"Something's happened to me too." Simon suddenly spoke up

"Awww Did you pop your cherry? we are all very happy for you." Nathan fired back still obviously thinking this was all bullshit.

Maya paused, resisting the urge to hyperventilate taking 2 steps back and almost colliding into Nathan and Kelly as she did so.

"Jesus Christ purple- what has gotten into you" Nathan half shouted as he steadied her with one hand on her back as she stared towards the locker in the corner still.

"Earlier on, when we were
in the locker-room... I was invisible."

"If everybody could just LOOK at the locker in the corner and you will generally lose your shit I don't know what's going on right no-"

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