Why dont more women commit crime?

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"It's a shame more women
don't commit crime. Why is that?" Nathan pondered as he paused his game of table football with muscles (aka Curtis) to think.

"The way I see it, we're all getting laid, man." He added leaning over the table as Simon looked towards him half confused and half scared.

"How's that?" Curtis scoffed not really taking anything he is saying seriously.

"There's three of us, and three of them."

"It looks like all of us, even you... weird kid are, because no offence, this could be your only chance so better make it count buddy" he scoffed as Simon looked to the side.

- "There was four of us."

"I'm talking about getting laid.
So how are we going to do this, man?"

"Do what?" Curtis half laughed as he looked at Nathan as though he was a severely damaged animal at the zoo.

"Divide them up. Cos I gotta tell you,
the one with all the frizzy hair,I don't see me and her getting it on." He shrugged as Curtis and Simon looked to each-over in a united sense of confusion

"Because she's beautiful?" Curtis finally replied. Nathan gave him a look as though he was crazy before he continued.

"No, because she'd be way too much effort.She looks high-maintenance! You'd have to treat her really well.. Pft.But that other one.."

Nathan continued his "inspirational" speech on how to pull girls as he snapped his fingers in a trailing mind of thought that was almost comical.

Simon blinked absentmindedly.
"Kelly" he stated


"A couple of Bacardi Breezers, man,
I reckon she'll be good to go, I might need more than a couple myself, but who's counting"

Curtis scoffed, as if he couldn't even beleive what he was hearing. He opened his mouth to add a defending phrase to his point but Nathan beat him
to it.

"And there's that purple chick.. she's got that "suck up, good Samaritan thing going on, and she's a bit away with the fairy's. But bonus, .... she's pretty- and you know what they say about the polite ones in bed-"

That was until Simon decided to chip in. "Maya is just a nice person, it doesn't mean she's a suck up"

"Oh of course you would say that Barry"

"Yeah, and the girls, like,
do they have a say in this?" Curtis asked- rolling his eyes.

"A group of young people doing mindless shit all day. Face it, man, it's going to happen. It always does. It's biology.Or physics.One of those.So do we have a deal?" Nathan replied spitting into his hand and handing it out for Curtis to shake.

Curtis exchanged a disgusted look before answering with a "no" before shaking his head

"Fine, then maybe I'll take both"

"Yeah, I see that happening!" Curtis called out his voice laced with sarcasm.

"Yeah, you will, then you'll be sorry
you didn't accept the deal. And then who's laughing? Me."

"What did he get done for?"

"He said he was done
for eating some pick 'n' mix."



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