Draw me like one of ur french girls

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"So your an artist purple ?" Irish who was also known as Nathan, asked wiggling his eyebrows in an amused manner as he attempted to keep up with the pace of mayas quickening footsteps.

"Well yeah I guess, studying it at uni" she shrugged surprised that a cocky prick such as himself would even be interested.

"Maybe you can draw me sometime- like those french nude paintings" he grinned as she rolled her eyes knowing it was to good to be true.

Maya decided to do the mature thing, and ignore his question completely. "So what do you do? Or are you studying something at the moment to?" She grinned knowing he probably did absolutely nothing.

"Uhh- yeah you could say that. Just a bit bit of everything really" Nathan replied seeming extremely uninterested by the topic of conversation.

"But you will still take me up on my offer?" He grinned as they walked into the changing rooms to see the others already in their orange jumpsuits.

"What offer-" muscles pondered looking between the two of them as he closed a locker door shut.

"Uhh...i got the name don't tell me, wait" Nathan clicked his fingers in a exaggerative motion as if to say give me a minute before pointing towards maya who just sighed and begun to pull the orange jumpsuit out of her own locker.

"Molly here"

"Maya" she corrected.

"Yes - maya has agreed to paint me in a nude painting because she thought I would be such a good model isn't that nice?"

"I never said that-"

"Prick" muscles sighed before leaning across the doorway, mayas guess was to wait for the hot girl who she had recently found out to be called Alisha, to be ready to leave so they could go flirt fuck each over some more.

Maya began to quickly rip her t shirt of at the speed of light, uncomfortable by the fact that there were no separate changing rooms. She thought of herself pretty successful until Nathan decided this was the time to ask her if she wanted a smoke of his cancer stick.

He smirked slightly when she answered with a no which made her even more pissed of as she pulled up the last part of her jumpsuit deciding there was no use getting mad.

He shrugged before strolling up to muscles.

"Do you want some of this?"

-" No, I'm good"

"For fuck's sake." Kelly muttered as they all began to leave the changing room.


Everyone set to work scrubbing the giant red letters of the wall with murky yellow sponges and buckets Of soap and water. Well, that was apart from Alisha who was lying on the top of a bench, her jumpsuit undone, exposing her- arguably nice looking chest maya wasn't going to lie, with what looked to be a bikini

"Yeah, you just relax, innit? Take it easy" muscles sighed, struggling to keep his eyes of what was in front of him.

"Someone's just going to write something else on there tonight.They make us do these bullshit little jobs, wearing these bullshit orange jumpsuits.They can suck my dick." She retorted before lying back down on the bench

"Nice." He replied, but maya was guessing her motivational speech wasn't the thing he was calling nice.

"Feel free to check out my tits, yeah." Alisha replied. Maya smirked to herself.

"She can't throw me out, she's my mum. I'm a homeless..
That is so embarrassing" Kelly raised an eyebrow at Nathan but decided to not comment.

"Muscles staring at Alisha's tits looks like a dog when you dangle a dog treat in front of it" -

Kelly gave maya a strange look, but to her surprise she wasn't saying anything, just staring intensely at the wall as she scrubbed it chewing on her lip in concentration.

"You know after the storm..did any of you feel like dead weird?"

"Yeah. I had a strange tingling sensation in my anus." Nathan automatically replied making Kelly give him a glare.

"You should probably see a doctor about that" maya added.

"I should say something" vampire thought

"What did you feel weird?" Kelly suddenly questioned making everyone turn towards her.

"You don't want to hear about my anus?" Nathan asked.

"In what twisted world would anyone want to hear about your anus" maya replied as she went back to scrubbing the world.

"Don't lie purple you know you want to"

"Shhhh" she rolled her eyes as she gestured towards vampire who seemed like he wanted to say something.

"Something happened."

"What's that? Squeak up."

"Shut up!" Kelly shouted at him from the background

"Something happened to me"

"Are you a virgin?" Nathan asked with a smirk "Hi-hooooooo"

"Shut up!" Kelly and maya screamed at the same time.

"What was it?" Kelly attempted to ask again as everyone else stood confused.

"It's nothing." Vampire replied shuffling about, uncomfortable.

"Would I? I think I would.
Oh, my God, I'm thinking about
shagging a chav. Get a grip!"

Kelly turned around towards Nathan before aggressively shoving him backwards.

"What was that for?" He shouted confused as she stormed of annoyed.

"It was probably just your prescience in general that annoyed her" maya sighed turning to him which made him frown"

"Why are you jealous?" He replied back which caused her to turn back to the wall she was facing.


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