Embarrassed Revenge (Child!Peter x Andy)

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Andy was dusting his house. He was almost done with his living room when he heard a knock at the door. 

"Coming!" Andy yelled as he dusted himself off and went to the door.

As he opened the door, he was shock to see who it was.

Peter stood there, but  took the appearance of a young child.

His height had disappeared, so he was now around the same height as Felix. His sweater arms and overalls legs were about double the size of him, so they just hung off his legs and shoulders.

The weirdest part is that his eyes were sparkling and he had freckles. Did he look happy with this new iteration of his form? 

No. Completely the opposite.

"Can't believe I'm saying this, but I need your help." Peter said grumpily, as the apple just stared at him. Even his voice was higher pitched.


"Wait, WHAT happened?!" Andy said as he held the child Peter.

"Like I said; I partially lose control of my abilities when I'm tired. And sometimes I can accidentally do things to myself." Peter explained.

"So, when you were sleeping, you shot a ball of light, that bounced off your cracked mirror, and hit you, turning you into....this?" Andy asked nervously.

"Yep." Peter responded.

"Can't you turn yourself back?" Andy questioned.

"It's not that simple. Ya see, I have to wait for a specific ability to charge. And now that I tenically changed my age, I gotta wait  TILL TOMORROW before I can turn back." Peter said, irritated at the end.

"Oh..." Andy said.

"That's why I need your help. Someone has to take care of me, they said. Children can't be alone, they said." Peter said in a mocking tone.

"Uh, sure I can take care of you until you turn back." Andy agreed.


Andy held Peter's hand as they walked up to his friends.

"Oh, hey ANDYOHMY GOODNESS!" Margaret shouted at the end, dropping the empty basket.

"Uh, who's the kid, man?" Felix spoke up.

Andy thought about his reply for a few moment, then gave a playful smirk.

"He's my adoptive son!" Andy said cheekily.

"Wait, WHAT?!" Peter and Claus said at the same time.

 "I'm so happy for you! I hope he gets along with you well, Andy!" Melody said, believing Andy's joke.

"Hold it!  I'm not your kid!" Peter yelled at Andy.

"Yes I am!" Andy replied, trying to hold back his laughter.


"Am to!"


"Yes, I am."

So, with that, Andy burst into laughter.

"Peter's not mine! He turned himself into a kid!" Andy said between laughs.

"So that was a JOKE!?" Peter said furiously.

Suddenly Peter kicked Andy in the stomach, making the apple fall to the floor, and stormed off back into the barn.

"SCREW YOU THOMAS!" Peter said as he slammed the door shut.

"Maybe don't force me to play tag with ya next time!" Andy shot back.

As Margaret helped Andy up, Melody, Felix and Claus all looked confused.

"So Andy didn't adopt Peter?" Melody asked, and then Claus facepalmed.


God this was funny to write! XD


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