Chapter 1

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Derek Hale wasn't really sure what he was looking at it's not like he was dumb  but he had to look twice to be sure.

He knew it was a woman asleep in the middle of the road but why was she wearing a wedding dress?  No scratch that why was she wearing a big puffy wedding dress with no sleeves in the dead of winter?

He walk back to his car and takes a flashlight and a blanket out the boot. He dials 911 and gives them the location of where he was.

"Hang up." Says a female voice.

He hears the voice but knew it was just him and the stranger. "I said hang up the phone," she demands again.

He looks at the woman on the floor she was awake. "Clearly something horrible happened here. The police needs to be informed you could be concussed."

"Shouldn't you ask me some questions first before jumping to over the top conclusions officer."

"Seriously you must have been hit very hard in the head ma'am you're not making any sense."

"He was about to speak to the 911 call operator when he hears, "I said hang up the phone officer."

Derek shines the flashlight on the stranger who was no longer on the floor. He blinks when he sees a gun in her hand and that it was pointed directly at his chest. He swallows nervously and ends the phone call.

"I'm not dumb Officer Hale I know you have another phone. Drop both of them by my feet."

"Are you mad I'm not dropping my phone at your feet. They will break and it caused me thousands of dollars for them."

"I know your name and you're interested in your phones. A smarter man would be crapping themselves by now."

"I'm many things dumb but isn't one of them. A buddy of mine left the bar ten minutes before me. I didn't get a phone call about a woman in a wedding dress being on this road from him. So you specifically waited here for me."

"Stiles my name is Stiles."

"Some how I doubt that's your real name ma'am.  I'm guessing by the British accent you're not from around here?"

Stiles smiles at him indulgently, "Officer Hale you and I need to talk preferably somewhere private where we can't be over heard. I've heard about your family they're sweet but suffocating."

He mock bows to her, "You have me at a disadvantage. I don't even know your last name.

Suddenly they hear a car, "Quick kill the lights and play along."

Stiles grabs Derek and kisses him passionately just as a car drives up to where they were. The driver stops and looks at the woman in a wedding dress and Officer Hale. He whistles and drives off. Stiles turns Derek's body slightly so her phone camera could get a clear recording of the driver's license plate number.

Derek takes a step backwards, "We can stop now."

"You're no fun I bet you're amazing in bed. You know how to get a woman going juices flowing."

"Are you complimenting me Stiles?"

"Yes I'm Officer Hale.  I have a place nearby why don't we go there and talk. I know that guy was looking at the license plate  number of my car. I need to ditch it and get myself another car."

"I didn't hear that."

"Oh gosh Officer Hale, are you a by the book kind of guy? Because if you're I'm going to need a lot of whisky."

Derek takes the bag from her and places it on his car's back seat. "Where to?" He ask.

"I hear Vegas is good this time of year, let's go there. Wait I forgot something in my car."

She opens the trunk and barely glances at the dead body in there. She takes something from the dead guys body then walk back to Derek's car and get in the passenger seat.  He removes his hand from the steering wheel and looks at her. She was about'5"10, biracial with long brown hair and light brown eyes. Eyes that was very expressive that dared him to challenge her.

"You said you lived near here Stiles there was nothing in the previous conversation about Vegas."

"The thing is Der, wow that nickname suits you so much. You and I need to go to Vegas."

"No we don't."

"Yes we do. The thing is Mr Hale I need a Mrs Hale and Vegas is where I'll find her."

"You're making no sense whatsoever."

"My boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend. In fact they're on their way to Vegas to get married right now. I want to get their first."

"Do you know how crazy you sound. Is that the reason you're  wearing a wedding dress?"

"Yes Derek . What else can I say except that I'm a drama queen."

"So what you want to go to Vegas to stop the wedding?"

She laughs, "I want to make sure it's going to go ahead."

He starts the car, "You're certifiable you know that. Bloody jilted brides and their need for revenge."

"There will be no revenge Der?" He turns and look at her suspiciously. She places two fingers apart, "Well maybe a little bit."

"So tell me about the dirt bag."

"Well there isn't much to tell he cheated and I found out on the wedding day and called it off. They figured since they have nothing to lose they can have a happy ever after."

"I have work in the morning?"

"Why Mr Hale I believe you're lying to me."

"You can't be sure of that Stiles."

"Why the police?" She ask.

And this begins Stiles and Derek's story. We will be seeing some familiar names in this story.

Finding Myself Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora