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The stares got worse as Donghyuck is walking to the cafeteria. Most of those stares are judgmental and negative so he hurries himself to the cafeteria.

When he reached the cafeteria, he saw his friends waving at him and he dashed toward them.

"Are you okay Donghyuck hyung?" Jisung asked worriedly.

"Of course not. I'm not okay at all. I can't even go buy food at the counter." Donghyuck said as covered his face in shame.

"You don't have to Donghyuck. We bought you food using our money. No need to pay us back." Renjun smiled as Donghyuck thanked them. He's lucky to have such selfless friends.

"Where's Mark?" Jaemin asked as Donghyuck told Mark about what the older said to him. "He's still busy with the student government. He doesn't know about the viral picture. His phone and laptop broke."

"May I look at the picture again?" Donghyuck requested as Jaemin nodded and showed him the picture.

"It looks like your face is only visible. Mark's back was only shown while you're face is completely exposed." Jaemin explained and Donghyuck nodded in agreement.

"So that's why they're only staring at me. I'm just relieved Mark's face is not shown. I don't want him to suffer like me. So we need to fix this before he finds out about this." Donghyuck said as he sigh in relief. At least Mark is safe from the judgemental society.

"Is this taken on purpose? From this angle, I can probably tell they don't like you." Jeno said as Donghyuck shook his head in confusion.

"I don't even have a grudge against anyone. The question is how the hell did he enter your private property Chenle? Don't you have guards patrolling around the area?" Donghyuck asked Chenle who's distraught too.

"I don't even know. When that picture came out on social media. I immediately went back to the beach house and asked our guards to look at the CCTV. There's this one camera that captured where the culprit is. The culprit used the thick woods as camouflage and took the picture from the fence. But don't worry, we already reported it to the police." Chenle explained and reassured Donghyuck.

"I hope they capture that culprit. We need answers." Renjun said as Donghyuck nodded. "I hope so too."

It didn't take long until they heard whispers from people around them.

"Is that the boy from the picture? He looks too young."

"From the looks of the other person, it's also a guy. Which is pretty disgusting if you ask me."

"I know right? I heard that he's in a relationship with an older man, a sugar daddy to provide for his school needs."

"He should be expelled. He's not a good role model for our honorable school."

"Yeah, he's gay and likes older guys! Despicable and unpleasant."

Donghyuck can't take it anymore. He stands as he caught the attention of everyone.

"The fact that you're all homophobic and stupid enough to believe in these lies proves that this society is rotten to the core. Yes, it is me who was taken in the picture. Yes, I am gay but I'm proud of being my real self. The other person who was with me in the picture is my boyfriend my age. We're happy and thriving. So if any of you has a problem with it you can piss off!" Donghyuck exclaimed as the whole cafeteria went silent but not for long as his friends started clapping then it spread to the entire cafeteria. He noticed that Jaemin disappeared while he was doing his speech.

"That was awesome Donghyuck hyung! Jisung said as the rest of the group agreed.

"Agree, That'll put anyone in their place." Renjun smiled, proud of his friend.

"We were about to defend you but you're speech shocked even us! That's phenomenal!" Chenle said as he was impressed with Donghyuck's speech.

"Yeah, and we're here always with you Donghyuck. If anyone tries to mess with you they have to go us first." Jeno said cracking his knuckles, making the whole group laugh.

"Thanks, guys you're the best. Where's Jaemin anyway? He disappeared while this whole fiasco happened." Donghyuck asked in confusion as the group noticed it just now.

"We don't even know either. We'll tell him about what he missed if he's back." Renjun said as Donghyuck nodded.

The group still receives stares but not as often as before and they haven't heard anyone whisper since Donghyuck's speech.

The group fell into a comfortable silence but was replaced as Jisung pointed at a familiar figure.

"Uhh guys, we have deja vu." Hiding said as the group followed where the youngest is pointing at.

Donghyuck's face is now in pure annoyance as he saw the sinister person once again.

"Koeun. Again"

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