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On a sunny day at a university, Donghyuck and Mark are sitting together on a bench where they are taking a break from their classes. It was a coincidence since their break time has the same timeslot which gives them time together. Mark is studying BS in computer science while Donghyuck is studying BA in arts.

"So how was your math class Hyuckie?" Mark asked while drinking his milk tea.

"As usual, it's boring and complicated" Donghyuck grumbled, clearly struggling in mathematics.

"Yeah, you're really bad at math. Your grades in that subject worry me Hyuckie." Mark said, an obvious worry plastered on his face.

It pains Donghyuck to see Mark not just being worried but also any negative emotions as he doesn't want to see him being sad and angry. He just wants to see Mark smiling and happy.

"You know I'm here to help you right? Don't be shy about asking me for help if you certainly need one."

"I don't want to bother you, Markie. It's embarrassing for me to ask for your help since you've been busy at baseball and you're also the treasurer of the student government." Donghyuck sighed, leaning lazily at the bench.

"You're my bestfriend Hyuckie. You're never a burden to me." Mark smiled, which makes Donghyuck feel butterflies in his stomach.

That damn smile. Why are you so handsome Mark Lee?

"Hello, earth to Donghyuck! You there?" Mark said, snapping his fingers in Donghyuck.

"Oh! Sorry I was spacing out." Donghyuck apologized, snapping out of his trance.

"That's okay, want me to come to your house later? I can help you with your math homework and we can hang out after."

"YEAH!!! Ehem..... I mean, of course, you can come to my house anytime you know"

"Great! Anyways, break time is almost over. I'm gonna go to my next class now. See you later Hyuckie!"

Mark and Donghyuck waved each other goodbye until he was out of sight.

Every time Mark is near him, his heart beats faster than usual. His feelings for him continue to grow and grow.

Not only he's attractive but also talented and intelligent. He has all traits and attributes of a perfect human being.

But Donghyuck was afraid of losing his friendship with Mark if confessed his feelings for him. So he decided to stifle his affection for him.

I'm sorry my dear heart, I'd rather not lose my friendship with him, even if it costs my happiness and love for him.

My Dear Bestfriend | MarkhyuckTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang