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It's Monday noon. Mark told Donghyuck that eat without him as he was busy with student council stuff since he's the treasurer.

While Donghyuck and his friends were eating at the cafeteria was generally peaceful, but it was replaced by tension as they saw Koeun and two other girls who seem to be her friends walking toward them. Jaemin, Jeno, Renjun, and Chenle were all at Donghyuck's front protecting him while Jisung was beside him also protecting him.

"Look what we have here. It's Dongbitch and his gay friends." A girl besides Koeun said, smirking.

"Just don't get near us. We don't want to get infected with your gayness." Another girl also smirked as Jeno and Renjun continued to restrain Jaemin from hitting them.

"Now now ladies, we don't them to hurt their rainbow feelings." Koeun smiled which give Donghyuck chills at her smile.

"What do you want Koeun? Can't you see we're busy eating?" Chenle asked, annoyed that they bother them eating.

"Oh, nothing. I just want to see how Donghyuck is doing, considering he stole Mark from me." Koeun said, not smiling anymore as she remember the events that unfolded on the rooftop.

"I didn't steal Mark from you Koeun. He clearly said that he's not happy to be in a fake and toxic relationship with someone he doesn't even like." Donghyuck said as Koeun scoffed at him.

"That's not true. You and your pesky friends brainwashed him with your gayness! You should be ashamed of yourself!" Koeun raised her voice which caught people some attention.

"Girl, I'm sorry if he doesn't like you. But get over it! You sound like a middle student who can't move on from their delusional fantasies!" Jaemin also raised his voice as more and more people stare at them.

"Koeun, just accept that Mark doesn't like you. Learn to let go." Renjun said as he was the only one calm in this situation.

"No! Mark is mine! You're just his best friend! We are meant for each other!" Koeun shouted as most people in the cafeteria are now staring at them.

"You need to leave before it gets ugly" Jeno warned making Koeun cackle.

"And who's gonna make me? There's no way a bunch of gays like you is gonna hurt us, delicate women." Koeun said as Donghyuck reached his boiling point.

"Mark doesn't like you and will never be! Don't test us Koeun, you don't want to anger me and my friends. I've had enough of your insults and disgusting attitude. LEAVE!" Donghyuck snapped, which made Keoun and her lackey flinch.

The whole cafeteria was quiet and Koeun glared at them.

"Whatever, let's go ladies." Koeun said as she walked away with her lackeys but she stopped for a moment.

"This isn't over, Donghyuck. One day, Mark will be mine." Koeun warned as she walked away with the other girls for good.

The cafeteria was quiet for a minute then a loud cheer followed, clearly supporting the guys even the school cafeteria employees.

Donghyuck sat immediately in embarrassment followed by his friends as they continued eating their lunch.

"That was intense." Jisung said, still can't get over the drama.

"That will shut her up for a while. Are you okay Donghyuck?" Renjun asked, concerned as he looked at Donghyuck.

"I'm fine guys, thanks for sticking up with me." Donghyuck smiled as his friends smiled back at him.

"We're all friends here Donghyuck. We must protect each other." Jeno said as he patted the latter's back.

"Don't worry Donghyuck, you're not alone," Jaemin said as he hugged Donghyuck.

"Yeah, Markhyuck rules!" Chenle exclaimed as they laughed at him.

"Thanks, guys." Donghyuck said teary-eyed.

He is lucky to have great friends.

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