ℌ𝔬𝔴 𝔱𝔬 ℌ𝔞𝔫𝔤 𝔞 𝔚𝔦𝔱𝔠𝔥

ابدأ من البداية

A small smile forms on his lips. "I found the story of Changbin at Kang Junho's hanging. You see, Changbin wrote another book about witchcraft called Wonders of the Invisible World after the Trials."

I can barely understand Memorable Providences.

"After which, a man named Won Wooyoung wrote a book called More Wonders of the Invisible World. This contained the story of which you had the vision."

"Why was Won's book title like Changbin's?" I ask, realizing I'm still holding on to Joohyuk's arm. I make no effort to let go. He feels so solid and alive.

"Won Wooyoung was making a commentary on the Witch Trials. He had a lot of unpleasant things to say about Changbin."

"Wait, so Wooyoung was Changbin's enemy? And he boosted his own fame by destroying Changbin's reputation?" I hear people bustling in the hallway, but I don't care. "Then it's possible that story about Changbin and Kang Junho isn't true? Why would Changbin show me a story some dude told to make him look bad?"

"It is hard to say. Changbin wrote in his journal that he did not believe Won's book would ever make it to print. And if it did, that none would take the book seriously. Tell me again what Changbin said about Kang Junho after he recited the prayer."

"Something about how wicked people can pretend to be good. So don't let them deceive you." I readjust my feet in the small space between the buckets, and my body brushes against Joohyuk's for a moment. He puts his hand on my waist to steady me, and my stomach drops like I came over a hill too quickly.

He lets go. "Potentially, it is a metaphor. He may be pointing someone out, someone who seems good and is not."

"Actually, if we take the whole Won Wooyoung thing into consideration, it would be someone who spun a story about me and appears to be good but really sucks. Soojung? I mean, she's been awful to me, but everyone else in school thinks she's awesome."

"Or one of the other Lineages," Joohyuk says.

The thought that Hyeri or Wendy or Seulgi could be my secret enemy makes my chest ache. Not Seulgi. Anyone but her. "Did you get a chance to look for the cause of the rash?"

"'No, but now is the perfect time—empty houses."

The first bell rings, and I grab on to his shirt. I don't want to go out there. I want to stay in this lemon-scented closet with Joohyuk. He knows all the weird things that are happening to me, and he doesn't think I'm crazy; he thinks I'm special. Heat spreads through my body like flame with dry wood.

He lifts his hands up and holds my face. His fingers are gentle, and he brushes my hair back. "I'm right here with you. And I will be for as long as you need me. You are not alone."

The comfort in his words wraps around me like a hug. He pulls my face toward him and kisses my forehead. Before I can say a word, he blinks out. I'm left gripping the air where Joohyuk's shirt used to be and feeling the weight of his absence. I flick off the light and exit into the sea of people.

I rush to my homeroom, and when I open the door the hostility is palpable. The Lineages' seats are empty. I sit down in my usual place. Behind me, hushed voices discuss Kai's death. The bell rings.

Mrs. Huang doesn't need to quiet everyone. The room goes silent by itself. "There will be a special assembly this afternoon, an opportunity to discuss the tragedy that occurred yesterday. If anyone feels they need to discuss the event individually, please ask for a pass to the counselor's office."

I put my forehead in my hands. My tiredness and anxiety mix as my unbrushed hair falls around my face. I'm sure by now Wendy and Hyeri know about my blunder at Seulgi's house. I had no idea they didn't see the vision of Kai when I did. My telling it to them after what happened to Kai does look suspicious. Wendy already suspects me as the cause of all this. If only I can explain. There's no guarantee how much time we have before Seulgi . . . I can't even think about that. I won't let the same thing happen to her.

The Witches (Book #1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن