#7 Quid Pro Quo

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Two-Week Notice #3 will be posted shortly

High Five: Meet the panel

Sarah Benson: @SarahBensonBooks

Rita Kovach: @rskovach

Michelle Hayes: @Michelle007

*Our special guest—Katherine Arlene: @KatherineArlene

Our fantastic show runner:

Nat Bradford: @natsaninja

Nat: The protagonist from your favorite book has escaped the pages! From his/her POV, tell us about yourself, elaborating on these three points: (use dialect, mannerisms, and any noteworthy quotes)

-Your dreams when it comes to writing

-Your best friend on Wattpad

-How bullet #2 is helping you realize bullet #1

Sarah: The way I interpreted it is that the favorite character escaped the pages and went onto Wattpad and their best friend is on Wattpad. My story is Scout from To Kill a Mockingbird. Her dream on Wattpad would be to help kids and teens around the world see people for who they truly are and not judge them on the surface. Her best friend on Wattpad would be Dill. Dill would help her face her fears head on and not let the Boo Radleys of the world scare her.

Rita: Bram Stoker's Dracula. So you ask what her dreams are when it comes to writing, dear fellow. It's quite simple really, and one sure I'm sure a lot of others on Wattpad share. Her ultimate dream is to be published so she can share the stories with the rest of the world. It would also allow her to quit her day job because she's more of a night person really. And who doesn't dream of being able to work from home, why she could emerge from her coffen...er... bed at any hour she chose. As for her best friend on Wattpad this is a tough one, but it would probably be Brittanie Charmintine because she not only understands vampires, but her protagonist has very delicious blood. Brittanie and Rita not only share a similar background both having worked in the financial field, but they're also working toward the same goals. They use each other for advice, or just to brainstorm, and she does enjoy a nice storm because it sets a perfect atmosphere for dark and creepy things.

Michelle: From Ally's point of view from The Notebook. Michelle dreams of writing and to become published one day with a reputable company so she has the time to write every day and actually earn a living doing so. She's a wear her heart on her sleeve kind of chick however when needed she can bear claws. For BFFs on Wattpad, I have a few, but one is @human626. She's my girl from Australia. She has been so encouraging since the day she started reading HOW DEEP THE ROOTS GO.

*Katherine: My favorite protagonist is Harry Potter. I've got to say it's been the biggest influence on my writing. My dream when it came to writing was to always have readers enjoy my story, and my dream has come true, kind of like an orphan boy who was trapped beneath the stares and found out he's a talented wizard. I have a lot of good friends on Wattpad, and choosing one friend on Wattpad is like trying to decide if Ron or Hermione is your best friend, but one I can be honest with is @Cfunk3 I met her like I meet a lot of people, doing my ambassador duties. Before I was ambassador I was doing much of the Being friendly in the community will draw people to your profile and to your stories. It puts you on radars.

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