Episode 10: The Broken Record--Shameless Self-Promotion

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High-Five: Meet the Panel

Rita Kovach: @rskovach

Brittanie Charmintine: @BrittanieCharmintine

Thomas Bonnick: @5ithproject

Special Guest—Ashlyn McCowan: @StoryofAshlyn (Also to be put into regular rotation)

Show-runner—Nat Bradford: @natsaninja

Like last week, you will introduce another panelist, expanding on these three points. I hope you're enjoying getting to know each other!

Rita will introduce Thomas (likewise)

What comes to mind when the person you're introducing hears these words?




Thomas introducing Rita: When I was newer to Wattpad, before I really knew Rita I had an experience where someone followed me and I followed back. Shortly after, the person unfollowed me. I got a message from Rita and she told me what the person was doing, and I thought that it was so nice of her to do that. So that was my first experience with her. Expensive- her husband's recent hobby, racing. Example- lead by example, but also learn from other people's examples. Exhilaration- that moment when all of your plot points come together and everything suddenly starts to make sense. It's like that feeling you get when you're at the top of the roller coster and you anticipate that first drop.

Rita introducing Thomas: Exhilaration- the feeling he experiences whenever he concieves an idea for a brilliant story or poem, even before his pen hits the paper. Expensive- It makes him wonder what the cost would be if he could calculate all the time his amazing readers spent checking out his work, commenting and voting. Example- makes him think of great images for his covers. He usually goes through many examples before he finds the right one that conveys everything he wants to in that one image.

Brittanie introducing *Ashlyn: Exhilaration- the scene from Divergent when members and new initiates of the Dauntless faction jump off a speeding train. The feeling in the pit of your stomach, sitting on a plain as it taxis down the runway. That breathless excitement and fright mixed together. Expensive- Great Coture designers back in the day when the Coture houses first opened. Names like Chanel, Valentino, Armani, etc. The beauty and opulence surrounding them that extravagant, restless, carefree kind of feeling as if they collectively came together to host the grand, exclusive party. Example- standing in a crowded room, heart lodged in your throat. A bracing, as if something bad will happen. My aspirations as they line up with the reality of the lack of my own book among them.

Ashlyn introducing Brittanie: Exhiliration- Over the top excitement. The feeling you get when you win a marathon, or when you first get your first publishing deal, or when you have your first bit of a Ghirardelli hot fudge sundae. Of course, two of these are pure conjecture. Expensive- It costs too much. Honestly it has a negative connotation to me. If something's expensive, it's either something I want that I can't afford, or something I can afford but will feel guilty if I buy it. Example- Something that explains or clarifies in a concrete way. Most examples are good, who doesn't want to understand things better? But then there is being made an example of, which is not good at all.

Cream or Sugar: Shoutouts for awesome people that we want to put in the spot light. (Please see these in the Two-Week Notice)

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