Canon To AL-9 "The Adorable Trio of Phoenix, Miles and Larry"

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'alright children, settle down, yesterday we were informed that a new student would be joining us, and today he is here, waiting in the hallway'

the other students started to perk up in interest, it had been a while since they had a new student join the class, miles, however, wasn't too interested, he was too busy reading his law book that his father had gifted him last week, larry, however, was excited, maybe he would finally have a friend, the teacher then walked outside and looked over to her left to see phoenix standing by the wall

'alright, come on in sweetie'

she said in a sweet, welcoming voice, phoenix held onto his black sketchbook in his hands as he shyly nodded and ducked his head down, walking behind the teacher a little, he stopped halfway through, peeking inside the classroom, he felt his anxiety rise seeing all the people in the room, the teacher turned around, saw his reaction and smiled reassuringly

'it's alright dear, no need to be shy'

he blushed a tint of red as he hesitantly walked inside, standing in front of the entire class, the teacher was by his side

'okay class, this is our new student, phoenix wright'

the other students waved and smiled as phoenix hid behind his sketchbook a little, miles perked up his head and curiosity, and his eyes slightly widened as he saw the new kid, he looked a little gothic, wearing a black hoodie with black pants and converse, and his hair was a little wired, being done up in loose spikes and his bangs hanging out in from of his face, but he looked pretty cute with his pretty deep blue eyes and shy little red blush on his cheeks, miles felt his heartbeat increase, as he averted his eyes back down to his book

'would you like to introduce yourself to the class phoenix'

he shook his head no, gripping his sketchbook tighter, the teacher nodded, understanding

'alright then, why don't you take a sweet next to miles'

she said, pointing to the only open desk, phoenix nodded as he walked over to his desk,  setting his back on the ground and his sketchbook on the desk, it was currently break-time so the students could do whatever they wanted, miles felt his hands become sweaty as he tried to focus on his law book, he noticed from the corner of his eye, phoenix reading the other page, he looked up at him

'um.., why do you keep looking at my law book'

he cringed at how intentionally rude he sounded, he cringed, even more, when he saw the new kid reaction, he blushed red as he spoke in a quiet small voice, miles mentally kicked himself in his head, he always had a hard time talking to people and making friends, he had the worst social skills

'i-i'm sorry, ..i-i just noticed it was about law...'

miles eyes slightly widened 

'w-wait you know about law?!'

he nodded, seeming to ease up a little

'u-um, ..y-yeah, ..a-a little, ...i-i wanna be a defense lawyer when i grow up, ..a-and i read about it sometimes...'

miles felt his excitement and butterflies fluttering in his stomach, he never met anyone else who had the same interest and hobbies as him, everyone in his class thought he was weird and tended to stay away from him, maybe he would have a friend finally!!

'you do!!'

he cried out, he blushed a bit red at how excited he sounded and tried to keep his enthusiasm to himself, he felt his heart flutter again when he saw phoenix smile a little at his excitement and nodded again

'w-well!!, my father is a defense lawyer!!, and i wanna become one too!!, just like him!!, and he even gave me some of his old law books he used to read when he was studying'

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