Chapter 4

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(The Louds begin questioning Timmy as they wonder what he is doing in Royal Woods.)

Lynn: (holds up fist) You better tell me where my brother is or I'll knock you out!

Timmy: (scared) I said I do not know! That pen must have teleported him to my dimension.

Lisa: So, you mean to tell me our only brother is in your dimension?

Timmy: I would have to guess so since my pen is missing. But short answer, yes.

Luna: Well then, whatcha doing here little dude.

Timmy: I'm here from another town because I'm doing a project for my family fair at school and I've decided to do a report on a loud, crazy family.

Lori: I assume that pen teleported you to us, right?

Timmy: Yep!

Lynn: (mad) Your lucky I didn't pound you!

Timmy: (glup) Lesson, never get on her bad side.

Lynn: Well, apologies, eh.. what is your name?

Timmy: The name's Timmy, Timmy Turner.

Lily: Immy.

Leni: Awww, she likes you Timmy.

Timmy: She sure is cute. I don't even have siblings.

Luan: You don't?

Timmy: No, instead, I've got stupid parents who leave me with a babysitter that's evil. I also have to deal with a bully and a crockpot teacher that gives me F's.

(The sisters in unison all day ouch to his response.)

Lucy: Sigh... You must feel pain from your babysitter and neglect.

Timmy: I could live with this girl, she understands me.

Lana: Trust me, you don't. When you ain't looking, she can scare.

Timmy: Ahh!!

Lana: Like that!

Timmy: Got that.

(The parents walk in the room.)

Lynn Sr.: Girls, have you seen... Oh hey Lincoln.

Rita: Hi Lincoln, where were you! It's past curfew! You know what that means, your grounded for the rest of the night!

Lola: Mom! This isn't Linc...

Rita: Save it Lola! I don't want to hear it! He's obviously wearing a disguise!

(The parents leave the room.)

Timmy: So... did I just get grounded by your parents?

Lori: Basically yes, they think your Lincoln even though your not.

(A poof suddenly appears with a magical screen showing Lincoln, Cosmo, Wanda, and Crocker in Fairy World.)

Sisters: Lincoln?! Why are you smaller than usual?! And flat?!

Lisa: I was gonna ask that?!

Timmy: Lincoln, what are you doing in Fairy World?

Lincoln: Your crazy crockpot teacher Crocker took your pen and transported us to Fairy World. Your superheroes were not happy with me.

Timmy: No!!!

(fades to black, then reappears.)

Timmy: No!!! Don't worry, we have a plan!

Lynn: Ok! So what's the plan?

Timmy: Lincoln and my superheroes need to stop Crocker before he takes over Fairy World. Then you guys can help me with my school project!

Everyone: Got it!

(The screen then poofs away.)

Lola: (scared) I'm scared Timmy! I hope Linky's okay!

Timmy: Don't worry! Lincoln will stop Crocker and he'll return home! Anyways, what are your names?

Sisters: Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, Lana, Lisa, and Lily.

Timmy: Like the names! Your parents were very creative with the L. Especially you Lynn! You get to be the Junior.

Lynn Jr.: Yep! I'm proud of it too!

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