Chapter 3

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(Opening shot: Fade in to the exterior of Timmy's house; the animation has returned to flat 2D animation.)

[Until the end of this chapter, everything is in 2D.]

Lincoln: (from inside) Ahhh!!

(Cut to Lincoln in Timmy's room and styled in 2D to match the animation. Though he looks the same as his 2D comic-like appearance, two things have changed: his eyebrows are thicker, and he also has the same proportions as Timmy, meaning he is shorter. Two widened blue eyes instantly train themselves down at the hands as he holds them out.)

Lincoln: My hands...

(Close-up of them as he turns them over, they are now 4-fingered instead of four comic- like. Widen to frame all of him as he spreads his arms out.)

Lincoln: My arms...

(Close-up of one arm as he bends it a bit.)

Lincoln: My depth... (He falls to the ground flat like cardboard, then stands up.) It's gone! (Widen to frame the entire room.) W-where am I? (Close-up.) That pen I must have touched caused me to teleport here!

(He holds the Poofer up on "This", then looks down at his watch on the start of the next line.)

Lincoln: I've got to get back home or Mom and Dad will kill me!

(Lincoln, not knowing what to do, stands in place. The screen then zooms out and Cosmo and Wanda appear "poof" back in Timmy's room)

Both: Aloha, Timmy!

(Lincoln answers the respond)

Lincoln: Timmy? Who's Timmy? I'm Lincoln-- Lincoln Loud.

(Timmy's fairy godparents start screaming)

Lincoln: I'm not familiar with how you greet people in this universe, but okay...



(all screaming)

(bike bell rings)

(A.J. and his family stop in front of the Turner house)

All: Hi, Timmy.

(Lincoln looks out the window and starts screaming)

A.J.: Scream all you want.

All: We're still going to kick your butt at the family fair tomorrow. (all laughing)

(Cosmo and Wanda look at Lincoln in shock realizing it's not their god child)

Cosmo: Oh, no, that kid isn't Timmy. His white, tufty hair is way too perfect.

Wanda: Worse, if he finds out that we're Timmy's fairies, we'll have to go away forever.

(Lincoln looks at Timmy's fairies)

Lincoln: What are you?

Cosmo: I'm Cosmo!

Wanda: And I'm Wanda.

Both: And we're... um...

Lincoln: Superheroes, of course.

(Lincoln touches Wanda)

Cosmo: Hey, hands off the wife!

Lincoln: Oh, and capable to float in the air. You must have been born with superpowers.

Cosmo: Did you hear that? He called me a superheroes! This looks like a job for... my brain! Go ahead, go ahead, ask me something.

Wanda: Why are you still talking?!

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