2nd chances pt. 1

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I had been waiting on my door step for the past hour, completely ready for a date that was less likely to happen with each minute that passed. Just as I was about to head inside, filled with defeat, a purple cadillac pulls up to my house. My stomach drops, after all this time of sitting around I would have rather he not showed up at all.

"Sweetheart, I'm so sorry I'm late. The colonel..." He starts to apologize but I immediately stop him.

"Sorry worked the first time you were late, maybe even the second but seeing this is the third time apologizing doesn't even begin to cover it." I yell, tears filling the brim of my eyes. This wasn't fair to either of us, the way his career was invading our relationship made it impossible for me to rely on the one person who should always be there for you.

"Just go away. I'll talk to you tomorrow." I scoff, slamming the door behind me before he even got the chance to reply.

It took a few days but eventually we worked everything out after he promised that it wouldn't happen again. The next month it was perfect, just like when we first started dating but everything good must come to an end.

"Look, sweetheart, it won't be forever just for a couple weeks." He insists after just telling me that the colonel said it would be best for him to appear single to his fans. We were just getting back to normal and then this just slaps me right in the face. After a few moments of silence he attempts to grab my hands but instead I swiftly move away from him, wanting to put as much space between us as possible.

"Did you even try to fight it?"

"The colonel wouldn't suggest it if it wasn't a good idea." He defends, giving me a very clear answer. I should have saw this coming from the very start, it was only a matter of time.

"You thinking breaking up with me for your career is a good idea?" At this point I was hysterical, all these years wasted just like that.

"It's not forever." I laugh because in that moment it was better than crying. The whole situation was actually quite funny if it wasn't actually happening to me.

"Not forever? No, if you go through with this it will be permanent. Do you truly expect me to wait around for a man that prioritizes his fans over his own girlfriend?" His silence was too loud, he didn't even respect me enough to admit it. I swiftly open up the passenger door, pausing for a moment to give him a last chance to say literally anything. When he doesn't even dare glance up at me I slam the door.

"I hope the fame is worth it." I sigh before walking off in no direction in particular, he was my ride home but I'd rather walk then be in a closed space with him another second.

That was five years ago and a lot happened in that span of time. I moved away from Memphis to a small town in Washington and was putting myself through med school to become a doctor. Things were perfect minus the fact I saw Elvis almost every time I turned on the television. It was not to still be angry about what happened years ago but I managed to push my grudge deep down. We were both doing so well without each other it made me believed that us separating was for the best.

Tonight was friday night which kicked off a whole weekend of studying. Within minutes of picking up my textbooks my phone rings, the first interruption of the night.

"Hello." I mumble, side tracked attempting to find where I had left off last study session.

"Hi." A familiar voice greets from the other end.

"Adam what do you want?" I ask with a pen hanging between my teeth.

"Figured you'd be studying so thought I'd bring over dinner, what sounds good to you?"

"Um, chinese." I decide after a moment or two.

"Okay, cool. I already know your order so I'll be over in the next 20 minutes or so." He informs before he hangs up, I softly smile to myself. I had met Adam during my first year of med school and ever since then we had been eachothers rock. He was easily my best friend, even though we had a few one night stands with each-other that didn't seem to get in the way of our friendship. He knew everything about my past including Elvis which is why he refused to listen to his music even though we both could admit he had a wonderful voice. Maybe a max of 10 minutes pass before someone knocks on my door.

"Adam that was fast." I point out whilst opening the door, assuming that it would be him. My eyes widen as the door completely opens revealing the man I thought I would never see in person again.

"What are you doing here?" I harshly question, wondering how he even knew where I lived.

"I fired the colonel." He replies as if it was information I was supposed to care about.

"Okay? How did you even know where to find me?" I ask, slightly freaked out by the man I once loved just showing up out of the blue like this.

"I ran into your mom when I was back in Memphis and she's actually the one who suggested I come up here." Elvis explains, making me want to call my mother just to shout at her through the phone. How could she possibly think putting me in a position like this was a good idea?

"I was a fool for letting you go." He admits after some time of silence passes between us.

I shake my head and scoff, "You don't say?"

"Y/n?" A voice similar to Adams calls from behind Elvis. What great timing he had, honestly this situation couldn't be made anymore worse. Elvis swiftly turns around, sending a slight glare as Adam squeezed by him and into my house. Adam gives me a look before proceeding to introduce himself to Elvis. I almost face palm when he goes onto say he's my boyfriend.

"Oh, that's um, great." Elvis tries to congratulate but it's clear he's thrown off.

"No he's not." I clear up hitting him upside the head in the process.

"Well I should go, Y/n you look great." I knew he didn't pop by for just a quick hello and that there was something more behind his appearance but I couldn't focus on that right now, I had an exam monday that took priority over everything else.

I bid him an awkward farewell before shutting the door, watching from the window as he sped off in his cadillac.

"Well that was odd." Adam comments, not sure what else to say.

"Understatement of the year." I reply, snatching the chinese out of his hands and digging through the bag until I found my usual dish.

"We're not going to discuss his sudden appearance until we finish studying, is that clear?" I ask, already knowing that he had a number of questions about what just happened but considering I wanted to pass this test I refused to give Elvis another thought, at least until I was confident I knew my material.

"Yes ma'am." He sarcastically salutes unpacking the rest of the food along with the textbooks he brought along.

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