lifetime apart pt 2.

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"Ya, I debated whether to wake you up or not but figured you'd be hungry." And all of a sudden I was starving, the only food I had ate yesterday was a hamburger on the road and the bag of chips I devoured last night.

"Ya, I am actually." I declare whilst standing up, my back completely shot from sleeping in that awkward position.

"Y'know you drool in your sleep." He laughs causing me to instinctively reach up to my mouth and wipe off whatever slobber was left. I lightly punch him on the arm as I pass by, maybe the fame hadn't changed him after all. We head into the dining room where everyone else has already started plating their food.

"I see you didn't bother to change." My mother comments as I enter her line of sight. Unlike everyone else I was dressed in pjs that had quite a few strains that refused to come out each time I washed them.

"I woke up less than 5 minutes ago, please cut me some slack." I mutter whilst plating myself what I considered to be breakfast.

"I take it you were up late last night." My father assumes after taking one look at the dark bags under my eyes. I hadn't even glanced in a mirror but can only predict that I looked like trash based on the way my parents were shaming me.

"I tried putting my bed frame together." I simply explain whole taking one of the two open seats at the table, Elvis claiming the other.

"Tried?" Mrs. Presley asks.

"Let's just say my poor excuse for an attempt wasn't very successful." I scoff, hoping my parents would offer to help out or at least pay someone to do it for me. I waste no time in shoveling the food in front of me in my mouth, wishing that it could just hit my stomach faster because I was on the brink of starvation. Dinner is fairly normal, other than the awkward questions Elvis and I had to answer.

Are you seeing anyone?

Well why not?

Are you at least interested in anyone?

Thankfully with the large amounts of food in my mouth I got by with simple gestures rather than actual verbal answers. By the time dinner was over I was nearly falling asleep at the table but knowing I still didn't have a proper bed to sleep on kept me awake.

"We'll have to do this again." My mom says whilst walking the guests to the front door.

"Most definitely, maybe next time just the adults and you kids can go out and do something." Mrs. Presley replies resulting in Elvis mocking her and me rolling my eyes until I could see my brain. I wasn't the least bit surprised our parents still looked at us like we were still the 8 year olds running around town, begging our parents for change so we could buy ourselves ice cream.

"Ya, maybe Y/n and I can steal some quarters from you guys and run down the the store to buy some candy." Elvis jokes which I catch onto but our parents think he's dead serious. After all this time we still shared the same thoughts with one another.

"We'll plan something soon." My dad stated, bidding them goodbye before disappearing somewhere in the house.

"I'll see you later?" Elvis asks me in particular in which I nod, we had a lot to catch up on and dinner with our parents present wasn't the best place to do that. After saying my goodbyes I rush upstairs, forcing myself to take a shower and clean myself up before I started on my project once again. Emerging from the bathroom connected to my room I hear a faint ticking sound, I stop dead in my tracks struggling to pinpoint where the noise was coming from. After a good minute I see a flash of something outside my window.

"Elvis?" I inquire after opening my window to get a fairly good look at what I saw.

"Are you seriously throwing rocks up here?" I chuckle, recalling that I saw this type of thing in a romantic comedy a while ago.

"How else would I get your attention?" He counters back as if I didn't have a phone or a front door that he could have easily knocked on.

"What are you doing here?"

"Can I come up?" He proceeds, ignoring my previous question. Before I even get the chance to answer he swiftly uses the tree next to my room to hoist himself up to the second floor where I was located. I take a few steps back as he pretty much falls into my window on onto the floor.

"Real graceful." I scoff, thinking of how I could have pull that off way better. As Elvis picks himself off the ground his gaze sweeps over my body, doing several retakes before this eyes finally meet mine. Just as I was about to ask why he was staring at me like that I noticed the blush that spotted across his cheeks and quickly remembered that I had on nothing but a very small towel. His presence outside my room took me by surprise that I had totally forgot about the fact I hadn't even gotten the chance to change into a fresh pair of pjs.

"Turn around." I order, relying on him not to turn around and take a quick peek while I hastily through on something that offered more coverage.

"Perv." I playfully scorn once finally in real clothing. He turns back around with an embarrassed grin, refusing to make eye contact with me.

"So care to tell me why you broke into my house?" I quiz, changing the subject so the awkwardness would subside.

"Thought you could use my help with your bed frame." I smile, unsurprised since he had always been the helping type.

"Well let's get started then." I respond, rolling up my imaginary sleeves and handing him the screw driver.

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