hayride pt 1.

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"I heard Elvis might be on the hay ride tonight." My friend, Ally, announces excitement shining bright in her eyes.

"Oh ya?" I question whilst flipping through the magazine in front of me that wasn't necessarily keeping my interest.

"Ya, my parents bought tickets but can't go because they got called into work and they offered them to me." She explains, letting me know in her own way that we were going whether I wanted to or not.

"Let's get ready then." I sigh, hopping off her bed and throwing on whatever I had packed in my bag for tomorrow. It was no surprise when she insisted we get there early to snag seats that were in or near the front row. Unsurprisingly we were at the front of the line as everyone filed in behind us.

"Come on, Y/n. We'll be right in front of him if we sit here." Ally urges whilst grabbing ahold of my sleeve and tugging me into "the best seat in the house" according to her.

Jimmie Rodgers was the first to emerge on stage and everyone but myself clapped along to his performance. It was dull to say the least.

"I can't believe people still like Hank snow." Ally scoffs as he walks into the stage with his band, he wasn't a bad singer, just boring. Elvis was something new everyone was craving. I nearly fell asleep as he sang and I'm surprised I wasn't snoring by the time he was finished.

"Next up we have Elvis." The announcer comments into the microphone. Finally it was the moment I was dragged here for.

The moment he appeared on stage it was clear the effect he had on everyone. Never in my life had I seen a man wear eye makeup and yet I couldn't look away in the best way possible. The pink suit complemented his skin tone perfectly and the way his fingers drummed the side of his guitar sent shocks of electricity through the air. The announcer said some things but it went in one ear and out the other, I was too focused on the man in front of me. As he began to sing it was evident how nervous he was due to the voice cracks.

"Get a haircut." I man yells from beside me resulting in him receiving a punch in the arm from me. Elvis looked up and instead of glancing at the boy who just insulted him his eyes found me. I offer a soft smile which he returns and just like that the once nervous boy transformed into a star.

Wellll you may go to college
you may go to school

I had never heard something so euphoric, his voice forced me into a frozen submission. No matter how hard I tried my body restricted me to move even an inch. Somewhere in the crowd a girl squealed as his body moved from side to side, he was wiggling in front of all these people and I was eating it up. Unknown to me a wide grin stretched across my face and it was only made known to me when Elvis sent me a copy of my own expression.

You may have a pink Cadillac
But don't you be nobody's fool

The first girl who screamed created a domino effect and within a few seconds most girls were screeching with intense desire for the man jiggling on stage. Each time we made eye contact I thanked Ally for bringing me along.

Now baby come back, baby, come
Come back, baby, come
Come back, baby I want to play house with you

Just those few lyrics made the howling girls rise to their feet and bounce up and down. Unlike them I was stuck to my chair with widened eyes since I was the one who he was looking at when he sang those lines. I was thrown into a state of shock with just a mere stare. The delusional part of me tried to reason that he was singing directly to me but my practical side knew that wasn't true.

Now listen and I'll tell you baby
What I'm talking about
Come on back to me, little girl
So we can play some house

Just as I was attempting to convince myself that our constant state of mutual gaze just occurred by accident, his line of sight returned to me once again. It was starting to become so obvious that even Ally noticed.

"Y/n, you're blushing." She beams, I would have hid my flaming cheeks in my hands but that would result in me having to tear my eyes off Elvis and that was nearing impossible at the moment.

Now baby come back, baby, come
Come back, baby, come
Come back, baby
I want to play house with you (oh let's play house, baby)

Out of nowhere a herd of girls rushed to the edge of the stage, almost pushing me out of the way. Thanks to my quick reflexes I was able to pry myself off my chair and move before I got entirely trampled. I tried to push my way to the front but only succeeded in getting shoved back even further. By the time the song was over I was positioned in the back half of the theater, watching his eyes frantically rake over the crowd before disappearing behind the curtain.

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