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"I'll be right back I just need to use the restroom." I tell my friends who just dismiss me with a nod, they were far to preoccupied worrying about when Elvis was going to make his appearance. I roll my eyes and squeeze through the crowd of people, shouting 'excuse me' along the way. Finally I break away from the herd, attempting to find a hallway or some sort that could lead me to the bathroom. Eventually I stumble across a dimly lit hall where each and every door I came across was either locked or required a passcode.

"You've got to be kidding me." I scoff, rattling one of the doorknobs whilst my bladder was on the verge of exploding. Just as I was about to give up one of the previously locked doors opens shortly before I women walks out. Assuming that was the lady's room I rush over there, immediately securing the lock behind me.

Turning my back to the door I frantically search around for a toilet but my eyes gaze comes to a stopping point, landing on a man sitting at his vanity.

"This isn't the bathroom is it?" I stupidly question considering I already knew the answer, I had accidentally just barged into someone's dressing room.

"No it is not." He replies spinning around so now I was able to see who I was intruded on.

"Fuck." I mutter, unable to process the fact Elvis was the on sitting in front of me.

"What's your name, doll?" He questions clearly not totally annoyed by my sudden presence.

"Y/n L/n." I reply, not sure whether to offer up a handshake or leave. Before I get the chance to decide a knock comes from the door, remembering I locked it I undo the latch and open it.

"Mr. Presley, you're on in 5." A woman states whilst giving me a skeptical side eye. I can only imagine what she thought we were doing in here with a locked door.

"The bathroom is 4 doors to the right, I'd love it if you meet me back here after the show." He says whilst standing up and joining my side, pressing a soft kiss to my hand before exiting the room. I stand in complete shock at what just happened before my bladder begins to hurt again causing me to rush to the bathroom which I actually found this time.

"Where were you?" My friends question after returning to the group, I'm shocked they even noticed I was missing for a suspicious amount of time.

"You can say I had some trouble finding the restroom." I explain, leaving out the part about meeting Elvis and him inviting back after the show. Knowing them they would beg I bring them along and considering he didn't insist I bring my friends I thought it would be a little rude.

"Well you made it back just in time, Elvis is about to come on." I nod, already knowing that. Within seconds he's entering the stage, his gaze roaming over the crowd until this stare narrows on me. He gracefully sends me a swift wink before the music cues up. Unsurprisingly his performance was amazing, I expected nothing less from a great singer like him. Thinking I'd be able to sneak off back to Elvis's dressing room I start slowly backing away from my group.

"Where are you going?" One of them asks causing me to stop dead in my tracks, of course with my luck I was going to get caught.

"To meet up with this guy." I wasn't necessarily lying just not telling the whole truth, she gives me a confused look before brushing me off and telling me to go. I quickly scurry away before they decided to ask anymore questions. Recalling where I went last time I follow my prior steps eventually coming upon his door. Unlike last time I knock, invading one's privacy twice in one night was pushing it.

"Come in." A voice instructs from the other side, which I do.

"Hi." I greet, all of a sudden I was shy as could be.

"Did you end up ever finding the bathroom?" He jokes resulting in a smile to tug at my lips.

"Yes I did." I laugh, the atmosphere seeming less heavy than it did 2 seconds ago. Spotting a couch I make my way over to take a seat, not realizing how badly my feet hurt until I sat down. A comfortable silence fills the room as we stare at eachother, trying to figure out what to say to one another.

"Is there a reason why you asked me here?" I finally ask the question that was causing a fog in my mind.

"It's not everyday a beautiful girl such as yourself stumbles into my dressing room by accident, I thought maybe it was fate and thought it was best we got to know eachother." I grin like an idiot at his answer, feeling butterflies rise within my stomach.

"I guess my poor sense of direction actually isn't completely useless after all."

"How about we get out of here, you hungry?" He asks, grabbing his jacket off the back of his chair whilst offering me his hand.

"Starving." I respond, gratefully accepting his hand which I use to hoist myself off the oddly comfortable couch.

Elvis 2022 OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon