get in

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"He was totally looking at you." My friend squeals, practically bouncing up and down as we exited the arena. First she dragged me to yet another of Elvis's concerts and now she was going on about how I supposedly make eye contact with him.

"One, he has a girlfriend. Two, he makes eye contact with a thousand people while he's up there. And last but not least, you are absolutely delusional." I scoff, beginning to get annoyed with her obsession with the fast rising star.

"Whatever Y/n, I'm heading down to the diner, wanna join?"

"No thanks I'm beat, it's probably best if I just head home." I excuse, not really feeling up to listening to her talking about Elvis for the next hour or so.

"Suit yourself." She announced whilst hopping in a car with the rest of our friends. I watched as they drove off and let out a breath of relief as they took a turn out of sight. I loved my friends but they were too much at times. Just as I began to think I was in the clear, a herd of screaming girls started filing out of the alley following a well dressed man. My eyes followed the man hop into a pink Cadillac which is when I realized who it actually was. The car quickly sped up but slowed down as it approached me.

"Get in." Elvis instructs.

"Excuse me?" I question, wondering if I heard him right or if this was just a figment of my imagination.

"Get it." He repeats, not giving me any information whatsoever.

"Do I look like someone who just hops in a car with a stranger?"

"Considering how many of my shows you've been to I don't think I'm much of a stranger." He replies in a mocking tone, meaning he noticed my presence and my friend might not be as crazy as I thought.

"Unless you want to be trampled by that group getting closer as we speak, I suggest you hop in now." He continues making a good point. I swiftly slide into the passenger seat and before even getting the door fully closed he begins to speed off.

"So do you care to tell me why you needed me to get in your car?" I question with a confused expression painted across my face.

"Usually I don't recognize the regulars that come to my shows but you, you intrigue me." I analyze his face for any kind of bullshit but the only thing I'm able to distinguish is honesty.

"So you just ask everyone you find interesting to drive around with you?"

"I don't find many people interesting so the answer to your question is no." He smirks whilst side eyeing me as we sped down the main road.

"Where are we going exactly?" I wonder aloud, hoping it wasn't a secluded area of some sort so he couldn't murder me.

"This club that my friend owns." This still felt surreal and for a moment I almost forgot he had a girlfriend waiting for him somewhere.

"That sounds fun but I'm not too sure your girlfriend would be happy about you partying with another girl." I casually brought up, hoping he didn't catch onto my prying. Any girl that attended his concerts would be esatic just to breathe the same air as him and a girlfriend wouldn't stop them but unlike most of them I had morals.

"We broke up." He simply answers, not elaborating on it more than he needed to. I just nod, not sure what else to say. One second I was standing on the sidewalk talking to my friend and the next I'm in a stars car. We sit in a comfortable silence until the car comes to a halt and Elvis gets out and comes around to my side.

"After you, mama." He grins whilst opening my door and swiftly shutting it behind me. In my whole life I don't think anyone had ever open a door for me which sent my 12 year old self into a full on frenzy.

I now my head as thanks and follow him into a building which I wasn't even aware was here until now. The second we stepped inside the air on the back of my neck stood straight up, the air in here contained a sort of energy I had never encountered before. Glancing over at Elvis his grin lit up the room. This man was like the sun, so beautiful it hurt when you looked away.

"Mama, I know you're staring at me." He smirks without even tearing his gaze away from the singer at hand. His peripheral version was deadly. I snap my head the other direction so fast my neck nearly broke right then and there.

"Never said I didn't like you staring." He laughs, lightly lifting my chin with a single finger to face him again. His touch made my body temperature raise by 20 degrees and for a minute I thought I was going to melt into a puddle. I was like well worked putty in his hands and I hated myself for it.

"I'm gonna go say hi my friend, I'll be right back." Elvis excuses before squeezing through the crowded dance floor. I fully intended to wait for him in this exact spot but the music overpowered me in a way I simply couldn't resist. I made my way into the middle of the dance floor and allowed myself to have a pure reaction to the song at handle. It began with a little sway of the hips until not a single part of my body wasn't moving.

It wasn't until I felt a pair of hand grip my waist that I stopped fully and spun around to see who the culprit was.

"Don't stop on my account." Elvis beams, entranced by the way I just let go and let the music wash over me.

"Join me." I pout, wanting to know what it would be like to dance with the man known for his wiggles.

"Yes, ma'am." And with that we danced till the sun came up.

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