Sending a friend.

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"Sif," I said. "You are willing to lay down your life for Jane's?"

Sif nods.

"It is for Asgard," Sif said. "Send me with them; those Dark Elves will not expect me."

I look over towards Thor and Jane who are by the large doors leading into the tunnel sharing a discussion. I turn my head back towards Sif feeling hopeful this time Jane will not die.

"I cannot guarantee you'll live," I said.

"It is a risk I am willing to take," Sif said.

Asgard is currently under lockdown. Why yes, we have to make it seem the escape from the castle walls is not expected. Thor knows the way to the gigantic space craft belonging to the Dark Elves current resting in idle mode.

"You know the spell, right?" I ask.

"I still remember it," Sif said. "You taught me the spell for fun when we were kids and it is still in my memory."

"Thank you for believing in Thor," I said. "Out of everyone in the room..."

"It is his eyes," Sif said. "I haven't seen that kind of innocent light in them in for years."

"So you noticed it too," I said.

Sif nods.

"But to be on the safe side," Sif said. "Did Thor really grab you out of a explosion?"

"He did," I said.

"Whatever you did to Thor; that was amazing work," Sif said.

"I did nothing," I said. "Thor just needed a little nudge by the spirits to turn a leaf."

"...But seriously, where did the puppies and kittens come from?" Sif asks.

"What kittens?" I ask.

"Thor brought them in when you were convincing the others," Sif said.

"I have no idea," I said, noticing a mother cat and her kittens walking by. "...Forget I said that." I shook my hand. "I have a good idea who'se litter that is."

A black cat follows the orange mother cat with a meow. How the muspelheim do cats survive a battle? They must be using a lot of lives to push through. Sif and Jane go down the dark tunnel—with the large doors open—that is part of the plan. The plan had changed with that fateful discussion with the warriors three; but I do know why Fandral was making faces while I tried convincing the warriors three that Thor had changed, and, I also figured why Thor appeared to be so guilty every time I looked back.

"Brother," I said. "Before you go....If you honestly do not prefer summoning the Mjolnir then at least take this," I hand the pickax to Thor. "I assume you will find it more useful than I have."

Thor looks up from the pickax.

"What is this gem?" Thor asks, pointing to the glowing pink gem in between the two parts of the pickax.

"The infinity stone of souls," I said. "I trust you with it."

Thor raises a brow.

"But this...weapon is not part of the plan," Thor said.

"That's why I gave it to you," I said. "Anything can happen in Alternate Universes."

"I see where you are going," Thor said.

"Good," I said. "We are on the same page."

"Thor, are you coming or not?" Jane shouts.

"Coming," Thor turns away then walks down into the tunnel—where there is a red flaming torch in the darkness—out of my view.

I close the heavy wooden doors.

My part of the plan mostly consists of attracting the 2nd ships attention.

Maybe I should use a fox with wings and some Asgardian men to use whatever power they have to make it a very distracting scene for the numerous dark elves. The second ship did not have Malekith because the first one is where Thor and I are very aware of not in the sea of Asgard or in the vast majority of trees.

I knew if the dark elves explored into the forest; they are never coming back. Why? Like I said about Jo's mother, Christina is the goddess of craziness and loves gardening.

Hint; she can control plants.

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