~chapter 2~

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The fairy kingdom was having their fall dance. Kaden was taking raven and adam and Albert were going alone but together as friends. Lets hope nothing ruins this perfect dance!

"Dani? Are you bringing your boyfriend?" Albert asked as he brushed his hair.

"Oh no. Me and him are going to go somewhere other then the dance since everyone will be distracted." Dani set down alberts clothing on the bed,"Okay 3 outfits 1 a dress-"


"But it will look so good on youuu!!" She whined and moved on," Okay a brown vest with a white shirt, jeans and butterfly bow tie?"

"Hm maybe...cant i just go in normal clothes? I have no date or i can stay home to..." Albert sighed.

"Albert you friends want you to go bro." Dani ruffled her brothers hair.



Dinggggg dongggg

" Thats probably adam,Kaden and raven." Albert got up and left dani's room. He went towards his front door and opened it. Kaden ran in and hugged Albert and Adam also did to.

"Are you boys ready?" Raven asked

"Um no i gotta change still..." Albert replied and left to change.

10 mintues later he came out in the outfit dani picked for him.

"Raven albert should wear the dress huh!" Dani nudged raven.

"Eh who cares i wanna go already." Raven pulled kaden out of the house and the rest followed.

¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤at the ball¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

Raven and kaden were dancing the night away, having fun giggling all the good stuff! Meanwhile Adam was encouraging Albert to drink out of the fruit punch bowl.

"DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!" The bird chanted.

Albert smirked, he grabbed the bowl and chugged it down.

"CHUG CHUG CHUG!" Adam screeched.

Albert kept drinking out of the bowl till the last drop slipped into his mouth. He set the bowl down and wiped his mouth,"BAM! You owe me! " Albert held out his hand for his reward.

Adam sighed and gave albert 15 sliver coins.



" Oh fish! I feel sick!" Albert chuckled,"I shouldnt have chugged the punch!"

"Maybe we should get you home? You might throw up!"

"Butttt Robet is playing tonight with his band!" Albert frowned he was a big fan of roberts music. Specifically RobertIDK .

"Fine after then."

"HELLLLOOOOOOO FAIRY KINGDOM~!" Roberts voice ranged throughout the dance. Everyone cheered for him. Albert of course was screaming like a fangirl and Adam was looking at him concerned.


Adam sighed as he was dragged by albert to get closer to Robert.

"Don't wanna be an American idiot!" Robert shouted into the mic.

"YAAAAAAH!" Albert sat on adams shoulder screaming.

"Don't want a nation under the new media!"

"And can you hear the sound of hysteria?"

"The subliminal mind-fu-" Robert was cut off as the lights shut off. The sound of glass breaking could be heard and so could the sounds of fairies screaming for their lives.

Albert was flunged off of Adams shoulders and he crashed into a table.

"Albert!" Kaden helped up his friend,"Are you alright? Wheres adam!"

"I-im not sure...something threw me!"

A large sillouet stood over the two males,"Hey fairies!"

"Jake?" Albert was confused...were the bats attacking!?

" Yeeeep!" He grabbed Albert and kadens arms,"You two are coming with me!" He grinned.

"Not on my watch!" Raven knocked out jake with the centerpiece on the table.

"THANK YOU RAVEN!" They both said to their savior.

"Thank me later lets get out of here!"

"Wait but adam!" Albert frantically looked around for his bird friend.

"Theres no time! The bats are attacking and they probably kidnapped him already!" Raven shouted over all the screaming.

"Okay..." Albert followed the couple towards the exit where everyfairy was heading. Albert thought he seen adams wings and stopped to look again. But this only ended in him getting put into a  bag and getting kiddnapped.

𝒲𝒾𝓈𝑒 𝑀𝑒𝓃 𝒮𝒶𝓎 ( Wise Men Say) an Albert/flamingo fairy auWhere stories live. Discover now