~ Chapter 1 ~

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**3rd pov**

  Albert,Kaden and Adam were sitting outside a bakery. Albert had been drinking honey sugar water to fix his wings. Kaden got tea. And Adam just got black coffee.

"So albert hows life?" Adam said as he took a sip of his coffee. Some of it spilling into his beard.

"Wish it could be better." Albert mumbled.

"Aw cheer up albert! Youll find someone! Not straight away but he'll or she'll show up!" Kaden gave the sad dragonfly a smile.

"Or he can stay single and depressed his whole life."

"Adam! Dont say that!" kaden rolled his eyes.

"Your one to talk." adam ate some sunflower seeds.

Albert stared at Kaden. Atleast you have your girlfriend. He wanted to say but instead he sighed and ruffled his rose brown hair. ( to match his fairy look I changed his hair color)

Adam shot up and slammed his hands on the table, "What if we go somewhere to cheer you up? Like the Dark forest ?"

Kaden looked spooked ,"Where the bats are?! No thanks im trynna live!"

"Im not." Albert smirked,"Ill go to the dark forest with you adam!"

Kaden sighed," I guess ill go just to supervise."

Adam smirked,"Maybe albert can find a cute bat partner!"

"No thanks!" Albert smiled.

Adam put 20 gold coins on the table and flashed his wings. Albert rolled his eyes. "Okay we get it Mr.bird."

"Not my fault my mom fell in love with an eagle." Adam shrugged

Adam started flapping his wings and held out his hands for Albert to grab on since his wings were still broken. Adam was the strongest flyer after all. Kaden flutter his red monarch wings. Albert always despised kaden for his beautiful butterfly wings. How the sun always made the smaller male look so angelic and fragile. Adam did flips in the air and Albert screeched like a girl.

"Calm down im not gonna drop you."

"I dont know that!"

"Look guys!" Kaden pointed at a spikey thorn bush.

"Yeah? What about it?" Adam called back.

"That means were close!"

The two flew past the thorn bush and soon the terrain was changing into a blackish color instead of its bright green screen color. All the trees were dark and dead and everything was either gray or black . Adam hovered over the ground to let Albert down then he landed himself. Kaden flutter down and flashed the two a smile.

"I mean it looks pretty dead.." Albert said.

" Yeah." Kaden replied,"EW WHAT IS THAT!" He screamed

A huge centipede crawled across a rock. It had different shades of red on its back.

"Its a centipede calm down." Adam rolled his eyes and walked deeper into the forest. Albert and kaden trailing behind him. A black flash covered the sky. The two grabbed onto Adams arm. "You guys are such babys!"

"If you havent noticed we stand out so much!" Kaden chirped

"Throw mud on yourself!" Albert grinned

"Guys shush!" Adam shouted

The two stopped bickering and told adam they were sorry.

"What are faries doing here?" A deep musky voice said out of no where.

"WE GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE!!!" Kaden screeched and ran into a tree. Albert quickly rushed to kadens aid.

"Hey now we dont mean harm-" Adam was cut off as a male same height as Adam stepped out from the shadows.

"Then what are you doing here?" The male said. He was wearing a sliver shining chestplate and brown hair along with jeans. He also wore a dark blue shirt and...

"HES A ROYAL BAT GUARD!" Albert shrieked and kaden woke up,"Wuhh?"

"So i am."

Adam flashed his wings,"Look leave us alone were leaving."

Albert and kaden nodded in fear.

"Not uh! You gotta report to the King first!" He slammed his spear on the ground.

Adam looked behind him,"Hey look a rock!"

"What?" The bat turned around.

Once he looked back at the fairies they were gone. "Stupid jake! How are you so stupid!" The bat known as Jake muttered to himself.


"Thanks for getting us out of there adam!" Albert said as he dangle from adams hand.

"No problem!" The eagle replied .

"I cant wait to get home to raven!" Kaden smiled and fluttered happily.

"Yuck love." Adam said and albert agreed

"Oh hush losers! Cya tomorrow!" Kaden waved bye at the two and they said there goodbyes

𝒲𝒾𝓈𝑒 𝑀𝑒𝓃 𝒮𝒶𝓎 ( Wise Men Say) an Albert/flamingo fairy auWhere stories live. Discover now