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I woke up to the sound of the bathroom door closing, I stretched and looked over at the hospital bed. I could see JJ still lying in the bed, her hair sprawled around her face. Then I remembered Luther and quickly got up and went over to the bathroom door. "Hey kid it's Emily. Are you alright in there?" I asked through the door, after I knocked on the door. I didn't get a response so I frowned and knocked again, slightly harder this time to make sure he heard me.

When I once again got no response, I walked over to JJ and gently shook her awake. "Babe the kid is in the bathroom but I can't get a response from him" I told her as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She frowned at my words and got up from the bed and walked over to the bathroom door. "Luther it's JJ can you talk to me and Emily just so we know you okay?" She asked through the door.

When there was still no response I tapped JJ on the shoulder and she looked at me "I'm gonna go and see if we can get a key. You keep trying to talk to him" I told her and she nodded. I walked over to the table that was beside the bed and grabbed my gun, badge and phone then walked quickly out of the room. I walked up to the front desk and held up my badge "I need a key for the bathroom" I told the nurse, she asked for the room we were in and then called security. I walked security to the room where JJ was still standing at the door trying to get Luther to open up.

"JJ they have the key '' I told her and stood back, "Still nothing" She said standing back at my side. Security quickly got the door open then stood back to let us in. Inside Luther was on the floor rocking back and forth, "We got this now, thank you" I said to security. After they had left, me and JJ slowly approached the kid, "Hey sweetheart" JJ said softly. We both sat on the floor in front of him, allowing him space so he didn't feel trapped. My guess was that he was having flashbacks of what happened to him.

We weren't going to get any closer to give him time but things changed. Luther started banging his head back against the wall and scratching at his arms. Me and JJ jumped forward to stop him, JJ pulled his head into her chest and away from the wall whilst I held his wrists gently. But obviously hard enough to stop him from scratching the skin from his arms. JJ slowly rocked side to side and was whispering soothing words into Luther's ear. When JJ looked at me I could see tears in her eyes and so I gave her a sad smile.

That's when the doctor came in "Oh is everything alright?" She asked, "Yeah he just had an episode" I told her, not letting go of the kids arms. "Oh well I came in to say that he can be discharged today" She said "Thank you" JJ whispered and the doctor smiled at her. I only then realised that Luther had fallen back to sleep. JJ moved carefully, placing Luther's head to rest against the wall, then she stood up so I did the same. JJ then bent down and picked the kid up, he may be 15 but he's extremely light.

I followed behind my girlfriend as she walked out of the bathroom and laid Luther back on the bed. "Babe do you wanna go pull the car around and I'll bring him out?" JJ said when she turned to look at me. I nodded, "Do you think he's gonna be okay?" I asked, "I hope so" JJ replied, coming over to me and hugging me. I leaned down and kissed her, "I'll go get the car" I said, smiling at her before walking out again.

I was just walking out of the exit/entrance when my phone started ringing so I pulled out of my pocket.

Emily: This is Prentiss

Social worker: Hi Agent Prentiss I'm the social worker that you met with the other day

Emily: Oh hi. Is everything alright?

Social worker: Everything is good. I got your report back and everything is fine so Luther is aloud to go back to DC with you and stay at your apartment

Emily: Wow okay that is good news, thank you

Social worker: No worries

Emily: Thank you, bye

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2022 ⏰

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