New beginnings and secrets

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The police asked Luther a couple questions when he was fully awake. After all the questions were answered he quickly fell back to sleep but this time he was hugging me as he slept, so I couldn't move. "Em" I said, then looked up at her, "He is all alone in the world, his parents, his brother they're all dead" "I know dove, I know. Social services have been called, he'll go to a nice home" She said to me and I nodded, looking down at the kid who was sleeping in my lap.

"What would you say if I wanted to adopt him?" I asked her quietly and she just stared at me. "JJ you know we can't get attached to people from cases" She said finally, "What if we don't tell Hotch, it could be our own little seacret" I said to her. She ran her hand through her hair in an exasperated fashion. "Tell me what you're planning in your head babe" She said to me. "I know that not getting attached is part of the job description, but there's something about him that I just want to protect him and look after him. Give him the life he really deserves." I told her.

"I know you are always protective of kids. What's different this time?" Emily asked me, " I don't know, I can't explain it" I said to her "Okay. You said we didn't have to tell Hotch but how would we keep that from him?" She asked me. "Strouse is already pushing me to leave" I started but Emily interrupted "You love this job JJ" She said " I know I do but this is the perfect cover" I said back.

She sighed before speaking, "Okay but we have to get him enrolled in a school and when it comes to it we have to tell the team. But we can give it some time so we can get settled as a family" She said and a smile broke out on my face. "Thank you for agreeing babe" I said "Can we at least tell Garcia just so when we need some... Alone time she can take him?" She asked me. "Yeah" I replied, running my fingers through the fifteen year olds hair as he slept.

"I'll go talk to social services about the arrangements" Em said then stood up and walked out of the room. I carefully moved to grab my phone from my pocket, without waking the sleeping teen. Once I got it I called up Garcia, "Hey JJ. What's up?" She said when she answered "Hey Pen are you alone right now?" I asked her "Shure am, it's just me myself and I. Why what's up?" She replied "Well nothings been sealed yet but me and Emily are gonna try and adopt Luther" I told her "Oh my god oh my god oh my god" She squealed down the phone.

"Pen I'm telling you because we were thinking if me and Em needed some time together that you could look after him for a night" I said to her "Yes I will do it" She replied quickly, making a smile break out on my face. "Penelope, one last thing," I said, "What is it, my sweets?" She asked "You can't tell anyone else on the team. Please." I told her "Of course, but you are gonna tell them eventually right?" She asked "Yeah but only when everything is settled" I replied.

"Good. I'll see you soon my lovely" She said, "Bye Pen" I said back, then hung up. "What's going on?" A sleepy voice said "You're awake" I said looking down at the teen, "Just" He replied. "Do you think we can have a chat?" I asked him "More questions?" He asked "No this is a bit more personal" I replied, running my fingers through his hair, which seemed to make him relax a little. "I know you're aware that social services has been called but I was wondering if me and Emily adopted you, would you be okay with that?" I asked, cautiously.

We both sat in silence for a while before he nodded. "Yeah I trust you and Emily, you saved my life" He said and I sighed a sigh of relief.  "Emily has already gone to talk to the social worker so thank you for saying yes" I said to him, then I noticed how he was staring into space. "Hey talk to me, what's wrong?" I asked him, running my fingers through his hair again. "You don't know anything personal about me I don't know why FBI agents would want to adopt some kid they helped when they have probably rescued so many others" He said in one breath. "There's something about you that's different but I don't know how to explain it. You're right we have rescued countless other kids but I've never had this feeling before" I explained to him.

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