" So I need to spank you?" Alex sighed and ran a hand down his face. " James, I- tell you what if it happens before tonight you don't get to spank me but if it doesn't happen you can?" His voice ran soft and James nodded, " it's really important isn't it?" Alex nodded " really important". James came over and kissed his head, " I have a surprise for you".

Alex smiled and walked to the bed sitting down on the edge, daddy pulled out a wrapped box and set it on his lap. Alex smiled and tore it open, his eyes watered and he smiled wiping the tears, it was glass animals. He loved glasses animals so much, he set the box down next to him and jumped into his daddy's arms kissing his face everywhere. He rest his head on daddy's shoulder whining as he remembered his brother coming. Tears weld in his eyes and he hugged daddy tighter, "punkin? Tell daddy please I can't help if I don't know". Baby boy shook his head and daddy sighed opening the door and walking down the hall way, he knocked on Zane's door and his dom/ husband Levi answered the door " right now?"

He nodded and Levi opened the door Seeing Zane in punishment position he looked away for his privacy. " Do you know what's gonna happen today?, Alex won't tell me but he went from happy to really sad". Alex hugged him tighter, " Yes their brother is supposedly back "online." Mason went quiet " Wow I-erm" he hugged Alex and went to walk out but Levi grabbed him " why don't you sit and when I'm done we'll talk?" He nodded and sat down at the desk while Zane got the rest of his punishment, " Pet?" He asked Zane looking confused. Alex stopped him " shhhhh don't say anything" Levi didn't like being told by a sub what to do but didn't say anything. Alex got up and padded over letting his hand hover in air. After a couple minutes Zane took it and shit was it a lot. It slowed just barely but it was enough, he saw Nile walking up to the HQ building the sun low in the sky so it was at about 6 pm? He looked different, taller? No but sterner and meaner, he had way more muscles then the two of them but probably still looked identical to Noah. Zane broke their hands apart but blinked and said " something's wrong". He went to get up and Levi tried to hold but but Zane gently broke his binding arms. Zane looked to Alex who was still on the ground and said " he slowed it, why did he slow it he never ever slows it he hates when I know what he's gonna do when even he doesn't know what he's gonna do."

Alex smiled flopping onto the ground " because he knows exactly what's be gone do and when." Zane nodded " I have a head ache and my ass hurts" he flopped onto his brother making them both groan and clutched their stomachs" I forgot you do that". Alex nodded looking grim " I do to, spankings are fun through" Zane was wheezing and James was a little red. Alex went to speak but Zane covered his mouth suddenly sitting on his chest. Alex went wide eyed but Zane didn't move, Zane got up stepping on Alex's chest in a hurry and crashing to the floor. " Fuuuuuck" Alex laughed curling up " goddamn it Alex get the hell up!" Zane started dragging Alex who was laughing to hard to get up, their partners following them down the hall to the training room. Zane dropped him on the floor watching his head bounce before gripping his own head" Ow! God damn it!"Alex laughed again and Noah came in serious as always, " i keep forgetting he can't be hurt! I've done this three times already". Noah shook his head and leaned against the wall, " OH oh oh! Get up get up get up!" He dragged Alex who whined not moving down the hallway to their rooms " HAPPY 118!" He said hugging Alex who sighed and hugged him back " I have something for you!" Zane got out a box and handed it to Alex, staring in disbelief he blinked then started crying. " Alex?" He was tackled in a hug to the ground and Alex was crying into his chest, " happy 118" he cried hugging him fiercely as Zane rocked him with a smile on his face. " I have something for Noah let's go Alex didn't move though so Zane picked him up and carried him and the bag to Noah. He handed Alex to James and gave his bag to Noah, he wanted to say something but his throat felt filled. Noah opened the bag and swallowed thickly, " what is it" Zane stared at the ground , he wanted to speak but tears filled his eyes and he laugh crying " every recording of us saying I love you, all the voicemails and stupid birthdays recorded by these oafs." Zane looked to his watch and froze, " 5:30" he said nervously and Alex nodded " ironic 100 years ago he left and 100 years later he's come back- DAD" Zane bolted out and Alex laughed hysterically. A yell of anger ran through The building and Zane ran back their father following closing " You rug rats! You've know all day and said nothing!"
He knew Zane saw him, And Alex which means they told Noah. He didn't want to fight Noah again, he would win but he wanted a hug. He wanted a lot of things that weren't possible but he walked down the street and up to HQ, it looked different, the once one story was now three and the old white paint was a nice Snow White. He paused and took in his surroundings, the birds mid flight and cars now stopped. He walked in the door not letting time continue, he walked down the hallway to the training room where it happened. Zane was with Noah as dad was in the second door way about 8 feet down. James and Levi stood against the wall to his right and Alex was laughing on the ground.

He looked for him and felt an ache in his heart when he confirmed his worst fear. He'd moved on, his love, Roman was gone. Nile wanted to turn around, to leave because besides his brothers there was nothing for him. They were happy and him being gone didn't effect them, he turned around walking down the hallway and out the door letting everything resume. A second later he was being tackled to the ground and being cried on, " you can't leave again! That's not fair!" He grunted and pushed himself off the ground Zane still hugging his back like a kola, " You can't leave!" Alex was suddenly hugging his front side " y-you left!" Nile hugged his quadruplets, Zane snuggled and asked " where's your stuff?" Nile shrugged "I have nothing, I'm leaving." Zane was hugging him as he cried, " No you -you dick!- you asshole you can't fucking-" he screamed crying harder. " I'm leaving" he moved forward

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