Ao3: Anger

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Four horsemen 3,000+
War - envy
Death - pride
Conquest - Lust

Seven deadly sins 2000+
Pride - Prince
Lust - Levi
Wrath - Warren

12 zodiac signs 2500+
Aquarius -sloth
Leo - wrath
Aries -gluttony
Capricorn - Greed

"Welcome! Welcome! Make yourself comfortable because trust me you're not going anywhere." 23 lay on the ground waking up rapidly, the 12 sign boys were holding weapons while the 7 sin boys were watching each other.

Wrath was fighting pride who was trying to snap his neck while gluttony fed off lust.

Sloth was still asleep, the Signs were gathering watching the tiger whilst the four horsemen were staying far from the sins. Shit hit the fan when wrath stabbed pride through the heart and pride A) started bleeding heavily and B) wrath knees him muttering something causing prides form to shift every second. " Fuck. You!" Lust got up letting his dagger fly into wrath's foot causing him to yell as it pinned him to the ground," YOU WHORE" the dagger went in farther as lust grabbed pride and dragged his body over to where they woke up. Everyone was up looking sick while the sins looked angered. Wrath tired to get the blade out but it. Wouldn't. Move. Pride woke up eventually and wrath got nowhere, the signs had calmed down and were talking to the horse men.

" Hey guy who took us why are we here?" War asked and the man answered " I'm don and the reason your here is because you feed humanity as you know, They-" the sins " feed off humanity making them weaker than you but the signs shape humanity" they nodded and he said " The sins haven't been doing their job, here for more perspective. Sloth for example, sleeps more but humanity is at an all time low for dreams and sleep. Lust, love?almost the lowest it's been since Adam and Eve. Wrath?" He pointed to the boy who looked so much younger " they're at an all time low for bold and colorful emotions. Pride I'd argue would be the strongest but he hasn't even fully gained his little bit of strength back. The depression of no sleep, no emotion, no will to work is causing horrible depression which raised suicide rates and Eating disorders". Famine pointed out gluttony and raised a brow " well lust can still walk talk and sit up strait so he didn't take much. And wrath looks ready to cry at that dagger" he did, wrath sat dagger through the foot his head on his knee looking like someone kicked his puppy. " Ok but why ALL of us and not half the boys half of us?" Don nodded walking around " you go together, the boys are a well oiled machine and you four are mature enough at your own things. " Wrath hit the floor passed out and sloth was looking dead on the floor. " I'd ask for help but you're busy and I got the other gods to take over for sometime. " Leo the sign walked over to the sins and took pity on wrath so he pressed the button on the blade pulling it out and setting it down before picking up the limp boy and smiling. "

The elder boys laughed slightly and Leo held wrath while the others started helping the others.

Aquarius took sloth and he hugged him gently,

Gluttony weakly suckled Aries neck before cuddling closer.

Death took the pride boy and carried him on his hip.

Envy stood nervously until war picked him up to which he happily accepted.

Lust argues he was fine but was Carried like a potato sack

Greed really wanted to be held but he wanted to walk to, it didn't matter much because Capricorn picked him and said "you are adorable cute one" greed loved compliments "thank you" he took a calming breath before freezing slightly.

" Are you hungry little one" he nodded and Capricorn said " I'll get you some blood little boy let's get to our rooms first" greed looked at his brothers who were all mostly asleep and wiggled to sit up fully. He looked around and next thing he knew his ears were sticking out his hair and his tail was swishing behind him.

"Oh!" He grabbed his tail and hid it in his pants but his ears he missed," hey hey what are those" he hid his face as his tail was stroke and whined a hard on forming between his thighs.

"That's adorable does everyone have these" he shook his head quickly, his brothers would kill him if they found out he told the people carrying them. " hmm how come it's just you.." he wiggled and his ears were pet nicely causing a heavy purr to rattle through him.

Lust suddenly was free as he screamed " IF YOU SAY SHIT ILL KILL YOU AGAIN" and being greed he wanted up also but was held down as lust was ripped off his feet suddenly. " YOU BASTARD GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME-" he got hit on the butt and went quieter. " Isn't lust supposed to be like? I don't know calm and seductive?" Greed shrugged and said " well he'll act according to the person closet's to himself sexual preference, but in this case he's being touched by... what's his name?"

"That's conquest"
" then conquest must like loud, foul mouthed assholes" Lust met his eyes and hit the man again throwing a dagger that made greed frown and hug Capricorn close to miss it. " Stop being mean Spiff" lust went still and glared, hard. Envy whistled and said not loudly " greed, sorry but you're dead". Greed sighed and nodded " I'm out who's in?


They found their rooms, lust killed him. It was one of his knives to the stomach so it was slow. When he came back the knife was gone and he was being cuddled by a man
Who when he looked he saw was Capricorn who was looking at him worried.
This was just the beginning of it...


Lust laughed and smirked,"
At least I'm not part mutt, Dog."
Wrath was pale and stood strait, " Wrath?" Pride asked image flickering rapidly.

"I thought I told you to keep it to yourself" Wrath asked looking sick, lust smiled proudly. " I don't take command from a fucking canine" lust said as wrath screamed

Lust rolled his eyes mistakenly turning away only to get locked in a choke hold and kneed in the back. " This mutt should rip your throat out, though a sick fuck like you might enjoy that" pride winced as lust lost his confidence, like all of it. Gluttony took a breath looking a little more colored in the face, his sin feeding off wrath's power trip. They were in the kitchen and Lust was wheezing air.

They fed off each other, their father knew that. They fed off each other more than humanity which was a lot.

A few signs came in and froze before looking around slowly, they looked angry that the siblings stood doing nothing. " Wrath...."
Wrath tightened his grip hair darkened and eyes slowly turning red. " tell-" the wheezed " tell - them m-mmutt" sloth sighed quietly and walked up behind wrath who said " Touch me you lazy asshole and I'll make everyone's dreams so angry you'll lose control again" sloth looked uncomfortable and backed away as the others got there " Sloth put him down" sloth stood close to envy who started to drift off yawn.

Lust weakly hit his face and got his eyes, his power flickering enough for pride to rip him off and slam him into the cabinets. " Get up levi" he said almost silently " and leave quickly". He got up and held the counter coughing before leaving, "Warren stop". Wrath tried to get through his brother prince only to be pushed back. " Come on it's pointless" He said but warren growled and tried to shove past him only to get pinned to the ground a knee to his back. " Y'all go back to bed we'll talk later" a few minutes later warren was calmed semi down and prince asked quietly " now, what was that about?"he tried to get up only to fail. Prince waited playing with his hair, they sat for quiet a while only for him to finally say " some- I got bit by a were. A couple hundred ago, Levi found me. I told him to shut his trap, that I can handle it and now he threatens me." His anger was on the rise again and pride rubbed his scalp, prince thought for a few seconds and asked " is it possible he threatens you so people find out but he doesn't tell them? That he wants to keep you safe?" His brother chortled " Levi? No way! If he wanted to actually kill me he'd use stainless steel, he wants me to hesitate every time he pulls a knife because I don't know the difference" prince pulled his dagger and put it in sight " like this? I could easily stab you in the back, hes the littlest of us. No one takes him seriously, so he sees an opportunity to have himself taken seriously for once and he's using it to most he can. Just treat him like you did before he knew,"

Warren scoffed, " I treated him like the little kid he is, if he wants to be treated like an adult he should act like his age." " I know but he's the baby and always has been the baby, on top of having his sun it's not easy

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