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This is a Phone RP I'm doing, this is my character s point of view the next chapter is the second characters point of view

Malachi was late to school already, his hair messed up, shirt tucked out of his pants and overal a complete mess, not even a few minutes as he entered the school halls he heard "MANCINI TO MY OFFICE NOW" he rolled his eyes knowing he had to deal with one of the headmasters again

As he went into the office he was already getting lectured by them because he was late and what not

After a while he finally got out the office and started making his way to his next period , chewing some extra minty gum that he had in his pocket, the halls were empty and it was only him walking around

Malachi started heading to his next period, never grabbed any books he couldn't be bothered with school, to him it was just a waste of time. Once he got to his class, he went to his seat all the way at the back where he always sat. Nobody ever dared to sit in the seat of Malachi Mancini*

malachi was making paper airplance and other 3d things with the paper he had lying around, once he heard the bell ring he was already up and about to leave when the teacher called him out, he rolled his eyes because he didint want another lecture

Malachi was blowing a big balloon with his gum he had been chewing on and before it could pop in his face he stopped it and stretched, listening to some random nerd talking to the teacher

"So, headmaster has decided that since Malachi is not doing well in my class that I was to assign a tutor, you tutor so I suggest you. Then he said okay, he'll tutor him for History and math as well."

He sat down and said "Sir. I don't have time for that-" I was interrupted "-he said it would add extra credit in every class your tutor for" "I'm sold sir"

Malachis face dropped "Tutoring? You must be joking there is no way, im gonna get taught by this nerd" malachi looked down at him not believing what the teacher was saying "Fuck this" and soon as he said that he was out the door already having enough of it

He was mad, still couldn't believe he was getting tutored , instead of heading to the classes, he headed to the back of the school where he normally would smoke knowing there wasen't any teachers there.

Malachi was smoking a ciggarette, swearing and mumbling under his breath about what just happend , when suddently the headmaster he was just getting lectured from came to the back to throw something. But instead he caught him. Malachi knew this day couldn't get any worse.

Just as he was released he was called back in my headmasters voice saying " Perfect now I can talk to both of you at once, Malachi come back in, now."

Malachi came back in the office, on the desk the jacket he was wearing , a pack of cigars and a lighter was laying there. Clearly he could tell he got caught . But malachi already had enough of the headmaster and of this random guy that keeps on getting involved with him "what is he doing here?"

" Sir I can't fucking tutor him"

"Watch whats gonna happen to you outside" malachi gave him a death stare, it was only his fault that he needed to be here now only for some shit tutoring from this rascal. He crossed his arms waiting for this to be over, there was still a slight scent of what he just smoked on him.

"Declan... ignoring for now your use of language... why won't you tutor Mr. Mancini?"

" Because he acts like an ass and stand like a little kid. Smokes which is nasty, sits in the back of class so I know he doesn't care with school and he'll agree so why waste my time on a hopeless case"

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