Chapter 4

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Things were awkward between Vic and I for a while after the incident. I would ignore him sometimes, which I will admit was selfish considering he's giving me a place to stay, but I couldn't help it. I hate that I pushed him away like that, but I'm not ready to do things like that with a person I don't know all that well.

Vic has been kind of quiet lately, no doubt because of my rejection, but I try not to pay attention to it in order to refrain from feeling guilty. He apologized, but it wasn't really anything he did wrong. I was into what was going on, but only because my mind was momentarily clouded over.

Vic had given me access to his laptop, so from that day until now, I have been doing a lot of thinking, and a lot of research on the college, and Vic in particular. There isn't much; just basic information about Vic that I already knew. Vic seems to be the kindhearted person I moved in with, and his credentials prove that he's an excellent professor, but even through all of this research, I feel like I'm missing something about him. One person cannot be so perfect.

I searched for a while longer, trying to come across something in the ten Google pages that would add some depth to his personality, and just when I was about to give up, I found it.

The page had a title that I had never heard of before, so I clicked on it, and I did not expect to see what I thought I saw.

The page was a porn website, but not just any porn. This was kinky, oh-my-god-who-am-I-living-with porn.

At first I was confused as to why this came up in Vic's results, but then I saw the little username box in the corner of the page.


Next to the username was a rather revealing picture of Vic, where he was sitting on his bed with his left hand on his hard dick and his legs spread. My face flushed, and I slammed the laptop shut. It made sense that this came up, as I was on Vic's computer.

Well that was unexpected.

I wasn't planning on telling Vic, as that would be way too embarrassing on both sides, but then again, it would be interesting to see his perspective. I know I've acted as though I want to abstain from sex, but I also kind of want to know what it would be like to do these things with Vic. I'm still a virgin, which is my number one reason for hesitation, but I will admit that I was a little turned on from what I saw on the page.

The whole situation had me confused, and embarrassingly enough, a little turned on, so I decided to wait to talk to him about the whole porn thing.

I just wonder if he would enjoy doing that in real life, or if he only likes seeing it happen.

I've been living with Vic for a month and three weeks now, and things have settled down. The school year is nearly over for Vic, so I have to take a few of the entry tests in order to enroll for the next year.

I continue to think about what I found on Vic's computer, and I sort of feel bad now. In a way, I invaded his privacy, and it was also a bit stalkerish of me to search him, but I wanted to know a few things about him that I couldn't just go ask about.

"Kellin, it's time to go," Vic says, walking into the open bedroom door. I noticed that he doesn't really look at me when he talks, and I think it's because he feels bad about what happened a while ago.

"Vic, before we go, I just wanted to tell you that you don't have to feel guilty or whatever because of what happened. It was just a kiss, and I was into it for a bit, so it's not like you forced yourself on me. Just, let's forget about it, because I can't live here and suffer through the awkwardness anymore," I explain. He looks up at me, and there's an actual smile on his face.

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