20| It's our little date

Start from the beginning

"Hello, Dayo."

"Yes. Um... I need your reply really quick." He started; his voice was low enough to prevent the person outside the door from hearing anything he had to say. "Do you know of good... any good restaurants for a—a date?"


Adedayo sighed; a bit embarrassed. "I said, a date. Do you know any good restaurants?" He heard Sarki chuckle on the other end. "Are you going to help me or mock me?"

"Mock you? I'm not mocking you. It's... it's a bit unusual for you to be acting this way. You always rolled your eyes at me whenever I mentioned women or clubbing. At a point I believed you might be gay which is okay with me. I mean, I'm your friend and your sexuality wouldn't change that..."

"Sarki!" Dayo called, a little frustrated. "You're talking too much. Do you or do you not know any place?"

"Of course, I know. I'll text you the address."

"Thank you." Adedayo disconnected the call and stood for a little while longer. He composed himself and waited for Sarki's text to come in. It took longer than he expected.

There was a knock on the door. "Dayo, are you okay?" Joy asked, worried that he might not be alright seeing as he was taken longer than normal.

"One minute." He told her then stared at his phone. Perhaps Sarki had sent the message but the network was bad. Network in this area was so often disappointing.

Joy's hand hovered over the door handle while she contemplated pulling on it. Suddenly, the door opened and she slightly jerked back.

"Sorry for the delay." Dayo told her.

"It's fine." She said and took a few steps back, giving him the space to walk out of the room.

Side by side, they walked down the street. Adedayo kept stealing glances at his phone. The text message was yet to come in. Joy kept looking at his hand. A thought disturbed her. Dayo felt her hand gently key into his and like a glove, it fit perfectly. He looked at their hands together and was unable to prevent his smile from displaying as he lifted his eyes to hers. The phone in his other hand vibrated and he was quick to return his gaze to it. Finally, the message was in and he read it. The address was a bit farther than where they were. At this point, he didn't care very much. This good thing was happening in his life and he wasn't about to think of his insecurities or anything else of a sort.

Joy waited for him while he made use of the ATM. Once again, he checked his balance. It was lower than what he expected to find. He looked at Joy who stared down at her feet. Adedayo mentally determined to find a second job. He wasn't about to succumb to her, a life of suffering. For now, he was going to give her the best of what he can afford.

They both couldn't stop themselves from observing the environment they were in. The restaurant was beautifully decorated with flowers, tasteful artwork, classical music played in the background and linen tablecloths and napkins laid on the table.

Joy raised her eyes from the menu in her hands to Dayo. She saw the frown that planted between his brows. His eyes went left and right on the menu. She didn't need a shaman to tell her what his thoughts were.

She kept the menu on the table and asked. "Should we leave?"

He lifted his eyes to her. His lips parted at intervals. The words wouldn't simply roll off his tongue. Dayo desired to say the word yes but he worried how that'll make him look in her eyes. After all, she deserved only the best. It bothered him that he might be incapable of giving her that.

Joy read him like a book. She picked up the menu and wrinkled her nose. "There's nothing special here and besides..." She pointed to the food that the waiter just left in front of a customer. "... I think their portions are just ridiculously small. It's not worth the price."

Adedayo looked away from the plate of food and back to Joy. Her eyes held a clear expectation of his reply. He was no fool. He suspected that she was intentionally speaking ill of the restaurant in order to discourage him from spending money on their expensive dishes. Adedayo wasn't sure if she was doing it because she felt pity for him. Either way, he was grateful to her especially because she didn't make it obvious. That would have been rather embarrassing for him.

"Then... I guess we should leave." He said and she nodded right away. She was first to be on her feet and soon they were out of the restaurant. This time, he initiated holding hands. Joy didn't look at him but her smile was obvious. Dayo looked back once at the restaurant. He wondered why Sarki would direct him to such an expensive restaurant. A restaurant where a small bottle of water costs two hundred and fifty naira. Was it intentional? Adedayo wondered.

While holding hands, they walked for a while and Dayo didn't know what to do. It was disheartening to know he was unable to take her to a good restaurant where she could dine as long and as much as she wanted.

A few walks from where they were, Dayo could see a street food joint where the likes of suya, roasted chicken, shawarma, fried potatoes and yam were being sold. They'd already accumulated a few gatherings. He looked at her. Her gaze was in the same direction he'd stared at.

"That looks appetizing." Joy said before she looked at him. "I'm okay with it. Are you?"

Dayo smiled. "Yes." Perhaps, all hope wasn't lost.

When they stopped where the food joint was, they scanned each presentation for the one they preferred. Joy would've loved to taste everything. They all smelled and looked so good. She didn't know if she'd had it before, in her past. Her memories were still yet to return. She looked at Adedayo and smiled. The fact was, at this point, she wasn't bothered about her lost memories ever returning. She felt happy and fulfilled and wished she would always feel like this for a very long time.

They had to pick one or at least start with one of the foods on display so they optioned for the chicken shawarma. Joy took her first full bite. Her eyes widened a bit and Dayo could see she liked it especially when she took another huge bite.

"How many kids do you wish to have?"

He coughed. Her question was unexpected. His eyes met hers at intervals. "I... I'm not sure I want to have kids."

Her eyes widened and she stopped chewing for a second. Then, she chewed faster and swallowed. She lightly cleared her throat. "Have you... have you always thought that way or an incident led your thoughts in that direction?"

Again. Adedayo lowered his eyes from hers. Then, he rubbed the side of his neck, slightly nervous. This was the first time he wasn't going to avoid answering a question that was personal to him. Was he ready? Possibly no but he wanted her to feel even more at ease with him. For that, he was ready to discomfort himself.

"I... I don't know. I mean..." He rubbed his forehead. "... I did not think I would ever get married so..." He let his words trail away and his eyes met hers. He looked from one orb to the other and couldn't tell what she was thinking. Adedayo could only hope he hadn't scared her away with his confession.

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