Chapter 65

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The sound of a baby cry woke me up from my dream that I was actually looking forward to finishing but nope Enzo had to wake up. I try to remember what the dream was but basically, I was a boy that was about 7 years old chasing both a boy and a girl that looked about 4 or 5. It was as if the older boy was the big scary monster as I watched over and when I looked to my side I saw that Steve was beside me.

"Boys be careful," Steve said as the two boys decided to tackle the little girl.

It looked as if they were having a picnic in a field big enough where they could play without anything disturbing them and looked very pretty as well.

As I walked over to Enzo's room I started to wonder who the two little kids were and who they belonged to. The older boy had similar features to Alex so I assume that it was Enzo. Maybe the two kids are someone that we know and they're just over?

I walked over to where Enzo saw that he was fully awake and needed a really bad diaper change, so I quickly changed it to change myself. I then walked back to Steve and I's a walk-in closet, so I put Enzo on the floor so he could have a small tummy time sesh.

I grabbed a pair of leggings and put them on and then I started to unbutton Steve's dress shirt but I stopped when I heard an excited giggle at my feet. I look down to see what Enzo might be giggling at to just see him already looking up at me but more specifically at my breast and I know this because it's a look that I'm very familiar with.

When I first was in the honeymoon phase with Steve/Bucky/Alex, all three of them would give me that same look that Enzo has right now because they just wanted to plop their faces into my chest. Even though Enzo isn't Steve's or Bucky's biologically they still share the same look when they see each other.

At this point, I just decide to give Enzo what he wants so I put on a flannel but leave it to unbutton so he can latch on with no problem while I decided to just scroll on my phone a bit.

Once I was finished feeding Enzo I looked at the time which was 7 am which is normal for him to be up but not for Steve who is still asleep. Because Steve is still asleep I started to think of a way to wake him up that would be funny so I started to think but I can't come up with anything. I then decided that I was going to throw water at him but first I decided to try to wake him up. It didn't work so then I threw the water at him.

After he woke up Enzo started to giggle at Steve and his reaction to being splashed by water but as soon as Steve heard Enzo's giggle he didn't get mad. " You're laughing now but in 15 years or so it will be me laughing and you soaked," Steve tells Enzo as he carries him.

"Honey, stop talking to the baby and clean up your mess". I told him trying to hold my laugh when I saw the look on Steve's face. I said to him to clean his mess when it's mine.

Without arguing he did and went to change so all three of us could go eat with the others. - "Steve? Why is your hair wet?" Sam asked.

" Yea Steve, why is your hair wet?" I asked innocently. " Because it looks like you took a bath."

" Oh no I got soaked by someone," Steve said looking in Enzo and I's direction so I thought I would say, "Enzo did you soak Stevie this morning when I was asleep? Bad boy, I'm going to put you in time-out. Don't worry baby, he will learn his lesson"

Steve just looked at me amused while I started to laugh along with the others but I just walked over and handed him Enzo so I could get his and mine food. Steve on the other had a different plan because when no one noticed he walked up behind me and said "keep it up and you're going to get punished" and walked off.

Time Skip

When we were all done eating I had to go upstairs and change because I was going to help train recruits that are mutants so I left Enzo with Steve so they would spend some time together. While heading to the gym I looked at the names of the recruits and saw that I would have a partner to help me.

As I got to the gym I saw that some recruits were already waiting so we just had to wait for the others to come and the other instructor as well.

I then decided to start introducing myself. " I'm Agent Y/l and I'm your new instructor to help you be prepared for when you go out on missions. I don't care that you guys are mutants and have powers because you never know if there is some weapon or technology that can suppress your powers. But I will be helping you to use them as well- '' I said before I got interrupted by a recruit.

"How are you going to help us if you don't have any powers and you're just an agent?" the male cocky recruit said to me.

I indicate for him to step forward and tell F.R.I.D.A.Y to put the power dampers on that I created a few years ago. That's when he started to circle me trying to scare me but it wasn't working I have already dealt with this type of man back when I was in the military.

He lunged at me but I was quicker than he was and just moved to the side then he tried a punch but I blocked it and elbowed him on his back. He fell but got angry that he was losing so he got up and sprinted towards my direction and did some of the techniques that Nat showed me and added some things that I learned when I was with the X-men. Again he failed when he was laying his stomach on the floor beneath my foot and his arms twisted inward.

"Before I was rudely interrupted I was going to tell you why I'm going to train you. I served in the military with mutants that I consider friends so I know how their powers work, I then trained with two super soldiers and a widow. And after all of that when I got my powers I went with the X-men where I trained and used my powers. Any questions? No okay let's start." I tell them.

Again before I could say anything I was interrupted by a door opening so everyone looked in that direction and to my surprise, it was Bucky walking it. I thought that he would go train but nope he was coming in our direction which meant that I will have to deal with Bucky which sounds good and bad.

Bucky started to introduce himself to the recruits and when he was done I told them to start warming up with a 10-minute jog. Meanwhile, I head over to where my phone is and text Steve and happen to tell him but to my surprise, he already knew because he was the one to ask Fury to let Bucky help me train them.

"Y/n can we talk about what you said last night?"

"Sure but you have 9 minutes and counting," I tell him because I want this conversation to happen before the recruits start to come back and hear something private.

" Yesterday when you talked but you just yelled at me, it made me realize that you were right. I don't know how or why I trusted Michelle and Dot so quickly but I did and I ended up hurting you before you had the chance to hurt me. If there is any way that you could forgive me please let me know." He says with no hint of lying but pure honesty.

" I can understand that but at the same time, you hurt me one too many times Bucky with what you said. It may take me a while for me to fully trust you again" I tell but as soon as I finish the look on his face changes as well.

"So it's going to take you a while to trust me but you can easily forgive Steve? Hilarious. That's a good one. For a second I thought you cared." He tells me but I just slap him. I might still love him but I need time to forgive him because he hurt me more than Steve did.

The Toxic Love (Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes )Where stories live. Discover now