Chapter 51

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The day that I married Alex was one of the happiest days of my life because after everything that has happened in my life I and I didn't care for anything else in the world.  I kept walking until I saw a red door while the other door knobs disappeared, meaning I had to go through that door to deal with whatever was on the other side.

I go to open the door to see Alex again. " You know, you have to stop doing that because it's becoming to see what my brains are creating so I won't freak out. But from the way I am freaking out right now, it's not working at all and I want to leave now." I tell fake Alex.

"Um, honey it's me. I don't know how it happened but I'm me and not made up by your brain," Alex tells me as he grabs my shoulders.

"Wait, how is that even possible? I don't care, come here," I tell him as I cup his checks and pull him closer.

When he was going to pull me into kissing me and our lips met it was when I started to have all kinds of flashbacks mixed with other memories that I don't remember that made my head hurt.

"You do know that we can't stay like this forever, right?" He tells me

"Just think about it,"

"There isn't anything to think about because you have family and friends waiting for you to wake up" He tries to tell me but I just keep shaking my head not waiting to go. "I came to say a proper goodbye since we didn't have that before I died."

"Please don't. I still need you and want you too." I tell him as tears roll down my face.

"I'm going to tell you something very cheesy but I don't care because I know that this is what you need, okay?" I nodded my head letting him know that I understood. "I was the love of your life but I wasn't your soulmate or mate because from the moment that you started to talk about Steve and Bucky I knew and I think everyone else did as well but didn't say anything."

"I wouldn't get mad at you for moving on because I know if it was the other way around you would want me to move on. If you are worried that Scotty is going to get mad at you for moving on don't worry about him and two listen to him he's just grieving. Lastly, I don't care how long you wait until you move on, just do it when you are ready for it because you deserve the best in life." He tells me as he cries as well.

" Okay I understand but it wouldn't be the same without you anymore," I tell him as I connect our foreheads.

" Don't worry about it not being the same because you're going to have a part of me with you all the time and I'm sending you a gift" he chuckles.

" What type of gift?" He doesn't say anything but just looks down at my stomach. " No, that can't be possible, we were safe.

" We were safe the last time because it was a quickie and in the storage closet by your classroom, remember?" That's when I remember that he was telling the truth because I have been feeling different but I couldn't pinpoint what it was.

I started to hyperventilate thinking that I'm going to have to go through the pregnancy all by myself and everyone is going to pity the pregnant widow. It felt like I was underwater just when I found out that Alex died and both Erik and Charles had to break the news to me. Alex was trying to calm me down but it wasn't working until I started to hear other voices but I could only hear one.


Back with the team

The team is in the medbay and they all see that she is culversing Steve tries to get to her but fails when Sam, Clint, and Peter grab him from getting to Y/n while Rhodey gets Tony. They were able to calm them down so they could listen to the doctor who told them that she is having a lot of mental activity even with the coma that they put her in. Steve kept yelling out Y/n's name and saying this to her to bring her back but to him, I wasn't working until they thought that Wanda was able to calm her down.

The Toxic Love (Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes )Where stories live. Discover now