Chapter 24

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~Time Skip of 2 weeks ~

     I enjoyed spending my time with Pepper, Wanda, and Tony but I missed both Steve and Bucky. I asked Wanda if she wanted to help plan something for everyone when they came back and do something for Bucky and Steve in private. We asked Tony for his money since we wanted to throw a welcome home party and Tony was fine with it .

     As I was getting ready in my room to leave and meet up with Wanda to head to the store I kept telling F.R.I.D.A.Y. to put stuff on a list of things that Wanda and I had to buy or do before the team came back.

     Once I finished getting it and made sure I didn't forget anything I grabbed my purse and keys to head to the garage to borrow one of Tony's cars. Wanda was already waiting for me and going over the list to make sure I didn't forget anything else on it.

" Okay it seems like you have everything on the list. While you are driving I will start to call the people when I have to call."

" That sounds fine with me. Where should we head first?"

     We both look at each other and say " Party Store !!!" at the same time. I turned on the car and headed towards the city since that would probably be the closest place to find a party store. As I'm driving Wanda is calling catering and them what we want and the details for the party.        I knew that Tony wanted to do a party for the team so I quickly thought of it and told him because knowing Tony he would have done it the day they got home. And I wanted everyone not to be grumpy and tired so I told Tony the better option would be 2 days after they come back.

    It took Wanda and I about 3 hours buying everything that we needed and calling people. Once we did that we headed to get late  lunch or early dinner. We started to talk about what we should buy for our boys so we decided that we should head to the mall.

    After sometime we headed back to the toward where Friday informed us that it the team was landing in a couple hours.

    I grabbed both of our bags and took them to our rooms while Wanda headed to the kitchen to start dinner for us and the team.

    Once I entered the kitchen I helped Wanda prepare the chicken since we both decided to make stuffed chicken with some pasta and some salda. Since most of the team has to eat a lot to atleast to fill up we had to get a lot of chicken breasts and big ones too, so as I was cutting them and adding oil to them with some seasoning Wanda was preparing the stuffing that we are going to use. After we finish prepping them we put them in the oven 30 minutes before the teams arrive and we start to make a simple salad. When we took the chicken out of the oven it was when the teams entered the compound.

Wanda andI headed to meet the team. " What is that smell?" Sam asked, looking between me and Wanda. We both looked at each other scared of why he was asking. "Why does it smell bad?" I asked him, waiting for his answer.

"Oh no it doesn't smell soooo good and it makes me more hungry than what I am already-" Sam says as he gets interrupted by a whoosh that causes behind Y/N and wraps their arms around her.

    "Okay we get it you're hungry birdman. What has my favorite princess made for dinner" Pietro asked me as both Wanda and I smacked different parts of his body. "Well WANDA and I made stuffed chicken and some pasta and before you say anything there is a lot and they are pretty big." as I said that Pietro zoomed us to the kitchen before anyone could start to walk to the kitchen.

The rest of the team started to walk towards the kitchen as they talked to each other about how tired they are and hungry since it has been some hours since they last ate.

    The ones that were still standing by the doors were Steve and Bucky. They would look at each other and the spot in front of them that allowed them to see the scene unfold of that speedy bastard laying his hands on their girl. NOT his. But THEIRs. After a moment they decided to head to the kitchen to stop Pietro from laying his hands again on their doll and to task the food that she made so they could praise the hell out of it knowing she will love it.

~Time Skip toAfter Dinner~

         Everyone headed to their rooms to relax a bit after eating their dinner that helped fill them up and it was peaceful for all of them until F.R.I.D.A.Y. announced "Mr.Stark requires everyone on the team, including Miss Y/L, to come to the meeting room for a meeting with Mr.Fury in 15 minutes."

Everyone got annoyed because they think it will be another mission that they have to go to. Steve, Bucky, and I were in my room when we heard F.R.I.D.A.Y.  enjoying each other's company while planning our next few days so we can spend them together without them knowing or suspecting anything.

The Toxic Love (Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon