Change Can Be Good

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Ming walked through the portal and gave up her panda but then looked at her daughters

Ming: please. Just come with me.

Met: we're changing mom. We're finally figuring who we are

Jia: it's not perfect but we like it.

Mei: but we're scared it'll take us away from you.

Ming: Me too. I see you girls. You try to make everyone happy but are so hard on yourselves and if I taught you that... I'm sorry. So don't hold back. For anyone. The farther you both go the prouder I'll be.

The portal disappeared and the moon was no longer red. Then sun Yee appeared in front of Mei and Jia

Mei: we're not going to regret this are we?

The three of them turned into red pandas and sun yee hugged them


A few days later...

Mei: I'm Meilin Lee

Jia: I'm Jia Lee

Mei: and ever since I turned 13 life's been a lot. People still talk about Pandapocalypse 2002. My family and I just call it growing pains.


Mei Jia and ming were praying in the temple. Jia kept her hair down. then ming started taking care of her panda in a tamagotchi.

Ming: This thing's hungry all the time. Eat up little one

Mei and Jia looked at the audience

Mei: What? Mom had to put her panda in something.

Jia: Mei gave mom her tamagotchi


The three of them stood outside the temple

Mei: you ready?

Jia: yep

Ming: lets do this

They opened the main doors and let the crowd inside. Mei and Jia turned into red pandas

Panda mei: and things at the temple have never been better

Panda Jia: we're raising money to rebuild the sky dome

Mei and Jia took pictures with customers until they saw Miriam Priya abbey and Tyler

Panda Mei: hey guys!

Panda Jia: it's so good to see you!

Miriam: Ready to get your karaoke on?

Panda Mei: totally!

Panda Jia: you know it!

Mei and Jia turned back to normal but kept the ears and tail

Mei: Bye Mom! Bye Dad!

Ming: Hold on. You're not going out like that, are you?

Mei: Our panda our choice Mom.

Mei and Jia hugged there mom

Mei: We'll be back before dinner okay?

Jia: we promise

Ming: fine. Jia do you want to put your hair in a bun?

Jia: No it's ok. I like my hair this way

Ming: me to.

Ming looked at there friends

Ming: You're welcome to join us for dinner

Miriam: For Mr. Lee's cooking? yeah!

Ming: Don't load up on junk.

Jia: we won't

They all started walking away

Mei: Thanks for covering for us Dad!

Kim was wearing a red panda costume

Jin: Have fun!

Jia: we will!


Mei: sometimes we miss how things were but nothing stays the same forever.

Jia: change can be good

Mei: We've all got an inner beast. We've all got a messy loud weird part of ourselves hidden away.

Jia: a lot of us never let it out.

Mei: but we did. How about you?



4 town: I've never met
nobody like you had
friends and I've had
buddies its true

Rosalie Chiang as Meilin Lee

4 town: but I've never
met nobody like you
your never not on my
mind I'm never not by
your side your side your

Jennie Kwan as Jia Lee

4 town: I'm never going
to let you cry don't cry
I'll never not be your
ride or die alright

Ava Morse as Miriam

4 town: lets call it what
it is it's a masterpiece
got a lot of love for them
city streets tonight is
the place to be got a
big boombox and a
new CD

Maitreyi Ramakrishnan as Priya

4 town: come on every
body let's tear it up
If you want skills you
can share with us I
want everybody to
stop stare and you
know why its me

Hyein Park as Abby

4 town: your never not
on my mind I'm never
not by your side your
side your side

Orion Lee as Jin Lee

4 town: I'm never gonna
let you cry don't cry I'll
never not be your ride
or die alright

Wai Ching Ho as Wu

4 town: like you like
you like you like you
like you like you like
you like you like you
like you I've never
met nobody like you

Tristan Allerick Chen as Tyler

4 town: had friends
and I've had buddies
it's true but I've never
met nobody like you
your never not on my
mind I'm never not by
your side your side your
side I'm never gonna
let you cry don't cry
I'll never not be your
ride or die alright

The end

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