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After all the tours Mei Jia and ming went back home and watched a movie while Jin made dinner. Bing started talking about the people in the movie

Ming: He should have listened to his mother and married Ling Yi.

Mei: Totally. Siu Jyu is so two faced.

Jia: he should be able to see the betrayal coming a mile away

Ming: She's just using him to get to the throne. She'll probably stab him on their wedding night.

A commercial came on the TV

Announcer (on the TV): You've heard their hits you've seen their moves. now you get to experience them live! The worldwide pop sensation 4 Town will be kicking off their North American tour! Tickets on sale now.

Mei: oh my gosh!

Ming: Who are these hip hoppers? And why are they called '4Town' if there are five of them?

Mei: I don't know

Jia: their songs aren't even that catchy

Mei: some of the kids at school like them.

Ming: You mean Miriam? That girl is odd

Jin: dinners ready.

Everyone sat at the table and started eating dinner


After dinner Jia was reading a book in the living room when suddenly ming brought her and Mei to a store called the Daisy mart.


Mean park the car in the parking lot and the three of them walked inside. Mei was having a panic attack

Jia: Mei calm down. why is mom so upset?

Mei didn't have time to say anything because Ming started yelling at the cashier named Devon

Ming: What have you done to my Mei Mei?!

Devon: who?

A bully form school pointed at Mei

Tyler: Meilin Lee right here.

Ming: I should report you to the police. How old are you? Thirty?

Devon: I'm seventeen.

Jia: mei what did this guy do to you?!

Mei: nothing!

Ming: This is what happens when you don't wear sunblock and do drugs all day! She's just a sweet innocent child. How dare you take advantage of her!

Mei: mom! No!

Ming slammed mei's drawings of her and Devon hugging and going out on dates on the counter. everyone was shocked.

Ming: The Daisy Mart has lost a loyal customer today. don't ever come near my daughters ever again


Ming mei and Jia went back in the car

Ming: Thank goodness I was here. That degenerate won't come near either of you ever again. Now is there anything else I should know about?

Mei: ...nope all good!

Ming: what about you Jia?

Jia: no. Everything is fine

Ming: good.


Back home ming wanted to talk to Jia

Ming: Jia I want you to protect your sister if this ever happens again.

Jia: of course I will mom.


Jia walked in her and meis room to see her sister screaming in a pillow.

Jia: mei calm down. Mom took care of everything

Mei: no! None of that stuff happened! I just drew it!

Jia: if all that's true then why didn't you just tell mom that?

Mei: she wouldn't listen!

Jia: its alright. But first I know you want to let all of your frustration out.

Mei: thanks. what was I thinking?! Why would I draw those things?! Those horrible awful sexy things?!

She started pacing back and forth

Mei: it's fine I'll move to another city and change my identity!

Mei started crying while Jia comforted her

Mei: mommy! I'm so sorry!

After that mei ripped out all the other pages in her notebook and threw them out

Mei: this will never happen again.

Jia and mei both went to sleep


The next day Jia got up earlier than me and went to eat breakfast. Suddenly Jia ming and jin heard Mei cream in the bathroom. Jia and ming knocked on the door and jin was right behind them

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