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Knock knock. Knock knock.

Taehyung woke up to hear these sounds and the clusters and cobwebs in his brain started to thread together to form a coherent ball of consciousness and he understood why was he sleeping in a car. He had gone out and drunk too much after celebrating with his wife. After he'd reached back his apartments, he remembered being too sick and just sleeping in his alto. He grabbed his head and wondered how did he even make it back home. He was in the backseat and on the front seat were a lot of empty bottles of alcohol. He looked down to see, he was still in his white shirt and black pant- the one that he wore yesterday, but his suit was missing. He must have removed it when he was home with Simone yesterday. he had fun yesterday. he would have even smiled if it weren't for the deadly headache he had.

But what he still couldn't understand was why there were men outside his car in khaki- oh, they were the police. Confused, he opened the door and one of the police man spoke "Mr. Kim?"

It took him a bit long to reply "yes?"

"if you don't mind me asking, why were you sleeping here when you have a pretty nice house of your own?"

"well, i- I drank too much last night and just slept here." He said pointing towards the empty bottles in his car.

"pretty convenient for you, isn't it?"

"sorry?" already frustrated by the conversation, he buried his head in his hands and continued " I have no idea what you are talking about and I need you to explain why are you interrogating me"

The police man, inspector kasi, Kira noticed from his tag, gave him a judgmental look and howled, while holding him from his collars and dragging him out.

"Here's the thing Mr. Kim. Your wife, yesterday night was pulled out from a river and pronounced dead not long after. it was a case of suicide. So to say, the police have found some marks on her body, which we have some... questions about. We'd like you to come to the station to answer those." He leaves his collar to show a card- an arrest warrant, issued against Taehyung.

His skin pales. No, his skin feels like it is being ripped off. Is this hell? Is he imagining this? How could this? They were happy yesterday, weren't they?

Nothing made sense to him. He had imagined this is what hell would feel like. Being away from Simone. Why would she do that? And the police, do they think he abused her? of course they would, they didn't know he always asked for her consent. right?

He forgot how to breathe and his knees grew weak making him fall down on his knees but the thoughts didn't stop. Mr.Kasi was saying something but he couldn't hear it. It didn't matter. His Simone. His eyes were filled with tears. He felt someone grabbing his hands.

Didn't matter.

He felt someone holding his wrists at the back and felt a cold metal against his wrist. Maybe handcuffs.

Didn't matter.

He was being dragged to police station.

Didn't matter.

People all around were staring at him. It always made him anxious.

But right now, it didn't matter.

He felt like he was being dragged from reality sucked into his past. They seemed so distant. So long away. It was weird. As they made him sit in the back of the jeep, he let his thoughts wander, it was like his life flashing before his eyes. He remembered one of his earliest memories.

It was dark outside and most of the people in the city were sleeping peacefully, the lights of their houses off but not in the Kims' apartment. The sky seemed angry, like Mr. and Mrs. Kim, all of them seemed to forget about the little boy. His eyes generally sparkled with joy, were anything but happy now, as he heard the echoes of the shouting of his parents which reached his room. He clutched his blanket as he thought about how they always seemed to forget about him. Everybody did.

The clouds rumbled and he heard the sound of lightning. Maybe it struck somewhere near his home, or maybe it had struck him, since he was in so much pain. He also heard the door open and then slam shut and looked out of his window to realize it was his father who was now leaving. The kid quickly realized what was about to come. He quickly got out of his bed and looked around hastily, hoping to find a place to hide and his heart sank as he heard footsteps approaching his room.

He stopped to try and find somewhere to hide, since it was futile. He accepted what was about to come. It was time to play. His mother was coming and she was going to force him to play even though he didn't like it. I hurt him very much and mother always made him hide the marks.

The door creaked open and now the lightning sounds didn't seem so much scary anymore. Mother smiled through her tears and said, "Hey Taehyung, daddy left, probably forever. Now we can always play peacefully. Isn't that great, beta? He won't stop us anymore."

And the door slammed shut.

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