The entire right wing had been slaughtered

An abnormal, it has to be

I follow its tracks that lead straight for...

I hold still waiting for him to reveal himself

After a couple seconds Levi rides out of the fog

"There you are," he draws his blades

"Can't you follow orders?"

"Of Course I can, that's why I'm here to kill..."

He looks around

"What the hell happened?"

"You ran right past the abnormal, didn't you?"


"The Titan that was heading your way"

"Wh-which Titan?" His eyes widen

"You fool" I pull Odin back

Levi quickly turns his horse around and raced to Furlans aid

I gathered all the corpses that were mostly in one piece

If they were unrecognizable I ripped their forearm off or I took a piece of their uniforms for their families


-1 year later-

"I told you I brush my teeth every day" I say as Isabel goes through my mouth

"I'm telling you, smoking all those cigars every day is gonna give you bad breath one day" she backs off

"Is that what Levi told you?"

They aren't wrong, ever since what happened with Carla I've been taking two to three daily

Then ever since...

Ever since last month, I've been overdoing it


-1 month prior

Frieda Reiss...

After 3 years I finally found her

I flick my cigar out the window

But.. What am I even supposed to do?

How am I supposed to take this power of hers?

Damn it

That stupid old man

"Kenny, Ackerman" someone says just outside the door


"Yeah," they headed down stairs "we're lucky she decided to join the survey corps"

"Waiting for her death by a titans hand may be too risky, so he went off to seek the best assassin on the market"

"Yeah, that's what he said"

"Then there's that stupid alias, Krista Lenz. Could you believe that? Someone was trying to hide her existence from us"

Krista Lenz?


That's my Krista...

I open the door

I carefully head down stairs

What the hell are they talking about?

Who wants to kill Krista?

"You," I whisper "stand up"

They both stand up as I hold my blade up to his throat

"Who the..." his eyes widen "those eyes.. you are"

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