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"Are you sure about this?" Elrich asked. "Nobody would blame you at all for waiting until a different day to do this."

"Seriously," Brog said. "You don't have to do this right now, buddy."

Before I responded, I noticed Hailee staring at me with the most deadpan expression I've ever seen. Seeing her face like that just reminded me of my role in all of this. I had no choice but to be the sacrificial lamb for the people I cared about. And the quicker I got stronger, the easier it would be for me to protect them. I couldn't afford to wait around. I had to get stronger as soon as possible.

"Yes, I am," I replied. Then, without hesitating, I took the stone from Rose's hand. It didn't take too long for the stone to start reacting. The uncomfortable pain that I experienced, and the dark aura that appeared around me every time I got a new stone had returned. It didn't hurt me as much this time though, since I was already used to the pain. 

"How do you feel?" Elrich said.

"I'm fine."

"You're not in any pain?" Phoebe said, worriedly.

"Nope. And I think I know what power I just gained."

"What's that exactly?" Rose said.

"Give others powers."

Everyone gasped as I said this. I already knew what they were all thinking.

"So," Rose started. "That means, you could give all of us-"

"Yes. I don't fully know the power yet, but that's what it feels like to me." 

All of them started to murmur excitedly after I made that statement. I couldn't blame them. I would be pumped up too if I knew there was a chance I could be given a power boost. 

"Who's gettin' the power up first then?" Brog said. "Personally, I think it should be me. Just imagine me clobbering people with even more power than usual."

"No, it should be me!" another Outer yelled. This sparked a Domino Effect of everyone yelling "no, it should be me!" It had become a huge, vocal mess. The only people who weren't shouting were of course Hailee, Phoebe, Bowie, and Lucy.

"Guys!" I shouted. "I understand that you guys all want to get stronger, but as I said before, I don't fully know the power yet. I need some more time to figure everything out.

"Ezra's right," Phoebe chimed in. "It's a new power, and he needs time to learn how it works."

They all began to nod in agreement, and then left to do whatever activities they were doing before they formed a crowd. It was now just the gang and I standing together.

"Thanks for saying that, Phoebe," I said. "I didn't know if they were ever going to stop."

"Yeah, they were really excited after you said that." 

"Well, Phoebe and I are going to the bar, so we'll see you guys later," Bowie said.

"Hope you guys have fun," I waved. I started to head to my hut after I saw them leave, and felt a weird feeling as I was heading back. When I got to my door, I turned around, and noticed something odd. Hailee was following me without saying a word.

"Hailee...why are you following me like a creep?"

"I need you to give me powers first," she ordered.

"Oh my God. Not you too..." I sighed, as I entered my hut. She followed me inside, and kept on persisting. 

"I'm serious. You of all people should know why I want to get stronger. I need to make him pay." 

"I do know, but I still have to figure my power out-"

Ezra Phantoms: The Cursed SwordOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant