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Since we had regrouped with everybody, and Hailee was able to finally obtain the fish that Alex couldn't get himself, we decided that it was time to leave. It was starting to get pretty dark out, anyway. We had our fun, and were ready to head home. In terms of completing our mission, we failed miserably. When I touched the stones in the necklaces, I felt nothing. They were just regular, old stones like we feared they would be. It would've been a waste of a trip if it hadn't been so much fun. However, there was one last thing we had to do before we left. We wouldn't have even noticed it if it weren't for Alex.

"Guys!" he screamed. "There's a hot springs up the hill over there! Look at the sign!"

At first, we were all in disbelief at his sudden claim. The disbelief instantly faded away as we looked in the direction he was pointing, though. Just as he said, there was a sign with "HOT SPRING UP AHEAD" written on it.

"As great as that is," Phoebe started. "How are we going to dry ourselves after?"

"We can ask to borrow towels from that bath house over there," Alex replied.

"Towels?" I asked. "I was just gonna shake myself dry like a dog."

"You're so weird, Ezra," Hailee said.

"Anyways," Alex started. "What if we have one guy and one girl play rock paper scissors?" Alex proposed. "Whoever wins goes to the hot spring first with their respective side."

"Sounds pretty good to me," Bowie said.

Going with Alex's idea, everybody agreed on Alex and Hailee being the two that played rock paper scissors. It didn't seem like a bad idea at first to any of us, but it should've felt like one to me, considering what I knew about them.

"You got lucky," Alex said, after he lost to Hailee.

"Duh, it's a luck based game. It probably helped that I'm just better than you at everything, though."

"You're not better than me at everything. The only times you win against me at something is if you get lucky, or cheat."

"So what? Did I cheat when I won you that fish?"

"Probably. Wouldn't be surprised-"

"Why can't you just admit that I'm better than you, you idiot?!"

"Because you're not, you cheater!"

"You can't cheat in rock paper scissors, or in fishing! You just suck!"

"Guys!" Phoebe interrupted. "How are you guys arguing over rock, paper, scissors?"

"Yeah you guys need to chill," I agreed. "It's not that serious. Anyways, I'm going to get towels from the bathhouse. Be right back."

When I walked in, the lady who ran the bathhouse started looking at me strangely. Her strange look eventually turned into a fearful one.

"I-It's you..." she said. "P-Please don't hurt me-"

"Oh my God, I'm not Zero Light!" I yelled. "His hair is white. Mine's not. I'm not gonna hurt you, miss. I promise." It had been awhile since someone mistook me for that sadistic monster. I had forgotten that we unfortunately shared similar facial features. If it weren't for the new clothes I got that showed I was an Outer, and the fact that I was with the leader of the Outers herself, more people other than this lady probably would've thought I was him while I was there.

"Oh. Thank the heavens. My apologies. You just happen to look so similar to him."

"Yeah, I've been told that."

"What can I help you with today?"

"I'd like to borrow some towels if possible."

"No problem! How many do you need, sir?"

Ezra Phantoms: The Cursed SwordWhere stories live. Discover now