On the other side... Apparently, Mr. Park 2 has still been avoiding me. Since the party, my birthday party, he was then, distant to me. I tried reaching out to him, greeting him and even texting him but he would just reply short messages and dismiss me.

But still the best memory of my life... it still lived with me, I still think about it every night. That memory... I was with him. No, he was the reason why I had those memories in the first place.

"Now class, if the dogs barks, and the hyenas laughs, what about the elephant?" Many students raised their hands, some were serious but mostly was making fun of the lecturer, taking the question as a joke since our lecturer was half laughing. "Okay... okay... how about the fox?" My brain logged out from class and flew.

"Class dismissed." Everyone stood up, even Vera was rushing outside. I just sat there, mind was blank. I sighed and just ate my lunch, alone. "People are mean these days..." I whispered and took a bite again.

I hate being alone.

The next weeks went normally (not really) and everything was fine. Sunghoon finally had the guts to bring us to his training sessions. And he was hella good! He's a pro! He did some of those hard-to-pull-off tricks. He's just shy because his co-trainees were mostly girls.

"You did well!" I yelled at him while he was skating, showing him a thumb's up. He looked down shyly when the other girls looked at him. Vera laughed hard and cheered too. "You better do good because I skipped my job for today to watch ya ass perform!" Sunghoon then stumbled at her voice. "What did I told you- aish!" Vera nagged while he got on his feet.

"Vera stop!" I slapped her arms and looked at Sunghoon. "Hey! Don't push yourself! You'll do good!" I cheered on him. He smiled a little and continued training.

Afterwards, he got out of the rink and flicked his fingers to Vera's forehead. "Karma when you slipped! Aish! It hurts..." she grunted and shot him a glare. I just shook my head and grabbed my phone. "Yah! What was that for?!" Vera asked me after the flash and clicking sound.

"For blackmail purposes. Anyways... let's take a photo!" I winked and raised my camera. Vera's mouth are agape, showing her tongue while Sunghoon just smiled a little and showed a peace sign with his hands that still has gloves on. I posed with a wink and a little smirk.

"I need those for my IG story. Send it to me." She said so I nodded and passed her the photo, also to Sunghoon. We posted it on each other's instagram and laughed when Vera got a lot of funny comments like why is she hanging out with a handsome boy and me, jokingly.

And then a day came. The day that I've been waiting for almost a couple of months now. He approached me.

It was almost 3 and I just took a stroll around the campus alone since I'm kinda bored and the bodyguards weren't around. My classes today were all quizzes and pretests so it was cut earlier (since I finished mine early, they're pretty easy actually) than usual. While waiting for them, I just walked around and looked at the buildings and classrooms and stuffs. Until a hand pulled me to the old garden.

My cousin's name was hanging up the sign as we entered the old place. He took a deep breath first before looking at me in the eye, but later avoided it. "L-long time no see?" I greeted, still shocked. "I don't want to waste this time I had with you." He said straightly, but his lips trembled a bit.

"Do you know why I avoided you?" That was a question I never thought to hear from him. I quickly shook my head. "W-why did you?" He took a deep sigh before replying to me. "Y-your father and I t-talked at your birthday, Ky..."

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