Lunch break

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The bell rang and it was time for a lunch break. "Why dont you come sit with us?" Rosalie offered. *I should probably sit with jacob and the others* In a matter of seconds Alice appeared right next to me "Yeah you should come sit with us" I just nodded and walked out of class with the pale guys.

It felt kinda weird to know I'm the new one in class but the cullens gave me the feeling I'm welcome even if i have a weird feeling about them because they smell different than humans, but its not a wolf scent either. I'm going to ask Jacob later maybe he have an idea. In the Cafferty they offered quite good fool for a cantine.
We ordered and sat down on a long table.

"Here you are" Seth stood behind me
"Yeah sorry i should have told you but thats my new friends. Emmett, Rosalie,Jasper and Alice." I introduced them. They all said a view hi and hellos and Jacob, Seth and Leah sat next to us.

J: They smell different you know what that means?

S: No I noticed too but what is that

L: They are pale and have different collored eyes Seth so what do you think

F: Shit are they vampires?

L: Seems like someone already had thougts on this but yes they are

F: Does that mean i cant hang out with them anymore?

J: You still can but as soon they know you are a werwolf they will be trying to kill you.

F: Shit

S: Shit indeed

(Everything underlined is the wolves talking in their minds)

Emmett was looking at me " Everything Okay you seem off Ferox?"
"Oh no Everything is fine its just Everything here is new to me so im lost in my thoughts sorry" I laughed it off
"Emmett leave her alone in her thoughts" Rosalie smacked his head and everyone started laughing. "Do anyone of you have Sports next period?" I asked because i dont want to be alone with complete strangers now. "I do and so does my brother Edward" Alice noticed and gave me a grin. *okay she is really cute. Wait i know her like 2 hours calm down wtf.* "Who is Edward?" Seth asked.

Right I haven't meet him too but then I noticed right behind Jasper was an other Dark haired pale boy he looked like Emmett but not as muscular and more of a handsome Man. He just waved and I waved back.

Evryone was stuck into conversations my brother even brought his childhood friend Bella to our table and she got very good alomg with Edward what Jacob doesn't really liked.I looked at Alice who was still smiling and i had to admit that she is really beautiful and cute but in the second I had this thought Jasper pulled her in for a kiss so I looked away and just finished my food till the bell rand an we all got up and to our next lesson rooms.

The Wolf and the Bat (GxG) pausedWhere stories live. Discover now