Chapter 1

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"Take this guy off my tail already!!" Lance shouted annoyed through the intercom.
"I'm trying!" Allura snarled angrily in response.
"Shiro! You're the closest to me, help!!" Pidge's voice shattered, frustrated.
"AAAAH NOPE NOPE I CAN'T DO THIS!" Hunk screamed terrified.
The team was fighting a monster on planet Tarlox on their lions alone. The beast was too fast for them to form Voltron so they had to deal with it like this. Marvelous.
The beast was made out of a weird goo yet he still moved like a leopard. He could shoot 100 goo balls per second; calculated by Pidge. You could barely see its face, only at times when it opened the mouth, yellow-ish long and sharp teeth revealing themselves. The eyes were unseenable.
  "Ok there's no way we can beat this without Voltron!" Shiro yelled over the intercom. "We need to distract it."
  "Ok but how?" Hunk asked.
  "Let's try this. Allura and Hunk go to his side and make him go towards you. Once so, Pidge, get to the top of the head and hit it so he opens the mouth and me and Lance will hit the inside of it. Maybe that's the core? Also after you do your tasks, hit him there as well." Shiro made a wobbly plan, while still running from the beast.
  "Roger that." Everyone answered.
   And so they did. Allura and Hunk went to the side and shot him with all they've got. The monster turned stunned and angry. He started going towards them, shooting goo balls. Meanwhile, Pidge flew close to the top and began to fire. Lance and Shiro followed her once the beast stopped the shooting. It looked up and opened its mouth. The sharpness of the teeth flashing in the light of Tarlox. That's when they started to open fire to the core, followed by Allura and Hunk as well. The beast was trying its best to close the mouth, stunned at the plan. Muffled growls filled the air.
   "Is it..working?" Pidge asked after a short while.
   "Ok well– doesn't seem like it but he's distracted at least." Hunk said.
   "Hmm, good point. If this is not the core then someone remains here and the rest can hit it somewhere else." Shiro replied, irritated.
   "I'll go hit him to the left side." Lance said without waiting for permission. He flew immediately and started firing.
   "I'll stay here." Pidge said.
   "I'll go to the right." Allura uttered and flew to the direction.
   "Maybe I can hit him in the back." Hunk spoke and flew there.
   "Then I will take the front." Shiro continued, flew and fired the stomach of the beast.
   Once everyone was in position and firing, the beast started glowing from  it. Eventually the glowing became so strong and bright, the beast exploded. Millions and millions of pieces of goo flew everywhere, covering the sky and everything in their way. Including covering the lions entirely.
   "Lance! We have a child on board, watch the language!" Hunk taunted.
   "I'M ONLY 16!" Pidge fought back annoyed, knowing it was about her.
   All the paladins laughed at that; Lance was a bit quiet though. He giggled a bit but then he pressed a button to clean the red lion's visor.
  "How are we going to clean the lions?" Shiro asked, cleaning the visor.
  "Coran will deal with it, don't worry. We just need to tell him." Allura replied.
  They announced him through the intercom and Coran assured them that he has a machine for that. They flew back to the castle and led the lions to take their needed bath.
   Lance went straight to his room. He was exhausted. Which is unusual for him to be this tired after only very few missions. He is glad no one noticed though. He didn't want any pampering or anything. He just needed to rest.
  He changed into comfortable clothing and went to his bed. He closed his eyes and waited..and waited. But nothing would budge.
  Why can't I fall asleep?
  His body was numb and tense, begging to relax itself. While the brain was racing thoughts and random ideas; for absolutely no reason. Groaning, he got out of bed.
  He didn't desire food, only sleep. Yet he found himself going to the kitchen anyways. His legs were barely following the orders but somehow he eventually got there and went to the fridge. He saw a shadow of Hunk, he assumed he was just leaving so he didn't say anything. He took some water from the fridge and poured it into a glass, chugging it immediately like it was nothing. No one was around the kitchen or dining area. But they were in other places. Lance could hear their loud unbothered giggles and chats, echoing down the halls.
   Suddenly, there's a noise, a thud. Not too loud but not silent either. A sound only a person who doesn't want to get caught makes. Lance decides to investigate. He doesn't have anything better to do anyways.
  He goes to leave the kitchen and right on the threshold, down the hall there's a figure. Lance couldn't tell who it was. It was not too far but his vision was a bit blurry; probably from the exhaustion.
  The figure was leaning hard on his side against a wall as a resting point, with a sharp object clutched in its hand. The figure was as tall as Lance, maybe just an inch shorter and was panting, looking at the floor.
   It couldn't be an enemy. The Castle of Lions was literally flying mid-space. It also already did a space jump. But there are always many possibilities. Lance approaches, steady and calm. It doesn't matter if he didn't have a weapon on him. Fists were always another solution.
  His vision slowly aligns and the figure turns out to have dark fluffy hair, hanging and running down on its back. The figure looked up at Lance, messy bangs revealing angry frown eyebrows and liquor eyes in pain, blood smeared across the rest of the face. And a scowl giving away white teeth and sharp fangs. Classic black and purple tight suit. Several wounds and small scratches across it. The sharp object turns out to be a bloody dagger with a light purple sign. A marmora sign. A marmora suit.
   It's Keith!

Purple GlimmerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora