1. Hogwarts Express 🚂

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(Sierras Pov)
I sat down in the train patiently awaiting Pansy's arrival. We've been friends for a while now.
I couldn't wait to see her again. The door opened, and there she was.

"Hey sorry I'm late I just had to make sure everything was packed."

By making sure everything was packed, she meant making out with her boyfriend Blaise. They started dating beginning of summer.

This is my first year at Hogwarts, I've been going to Beauxbatons which is an all girls school.
So I haven't had much experience when it comes to guys.

Ive been in Hogwarts once, 2 years ago because of the Triwizard Tournament. But Merlin knows it was a bloody mess. Hopefully this years better. I can already feel the unease that spread. With talk of Voldemorts return.

"When's Blaise coming." I asked
"Soon he's just meeting up with his friends." Pansy replied.

The door opened. In walked Blaise and two other guys. Blaise sat next to Pansy as does the other guy. The blonde sits next to me.

I catch his eyes but my sight trails to his hands. Rings on most fingers and a noticeable amount of veins that run across.

A whiff of cologne fills my lungs.
"Smells of old money." I thought.

I then catch the other guys gaze, I notice his sharp jawline and scar on his nose. He gave me a smirk, and took out his hand.

Holy shit they were hot.

"I'm Mattheo." he said.
The blonde gives him a look and turns his face to me.
"I'm Draco."

I suddenly look and see the glares given from each of them to each other.
I already felt tension.

"I'm Sierra, nice to meet you guys." I say with a smile. I shook Mattheos hand and noticed how strong his grip was.

"So what school did you transfer from?"
Asked Mattheo.
"Beauxbatons," I replied.

"But your accent is British not French."
Said Draco.

"Guess I hung around with the British more."

"Beauxbatons is all girls." Draco said with a smirk.
"So no boyfriend?"
"Piss off Malfoy she just got here." Pansy said with a giggle.

"So what made you move schools?"
Said Mattheo.

My face dropped and I made eye contact with Pansy uncomfortable with the question.

"It's a long story." Pansy said looking at me.

It was a long story and I didn't have the time nor energy to explain. Draco noticed my face and gives me a look.

"How's Harry Potter doing after the tournament." I said changing the topic.
"Fuck Harry Potter." Draco scowled.

"Draco and Harry don't have the best history." Said Mattheo.
"All because Harry rejected Draco when he asked to be friends in year one." Blaise laughed.
"Oh please he thinks he's better then everyone because he's the chosen one." Said Draco

"Tell us a bit about yourself but skip the basics." Said Mattheo.
"What's your body count?" Asked Draco.

My face turned red and I kinda laughed.
My body count was 0, but I didn't want them knowing.

"Don't worry about him his goal is fucking every girl at school." Said Pansy.
"Well how many are you at?" I asked Draco.
"I lost track after 20, hogwarts is quite a large school you know. But hey you can be my next if you want." Said Draco.

I had no idea how to respond to him.

"Keep it in your pants Malfoy have some respect." Said Mattheo.
I smiled at him.

"Thank you Mattheo." I said feeling more comfortable.

"Don't act like your such a saint." Said Draco looking at Mattheo.
"I'm not gonna pounce on the new girl she just got here." Said Mattheo.

"Pans come with me, and let me show you my wand." Said Blaise.

That was code for let's fuck so good for her.
Pansy giggled and grabbed his arm.
"Sorry." She mouthed.

God this was awkward.
I was left alone with Draco and Mattheo, and they were sort of arguing.

"Mattheo you have a different bitch in your dorm every fucking week." Said Draco.

"But when I have a girl in my dorm I actually spend the night with her, as opposed to you who fucks them and kick them out." Said Mattheo.

"If the head games strong their fucking staying." Said Draco

Mattheo gave him a fist bump and laughed.
"Head or hands though?" Said Mattheo.

I stared at my hands uncomfortably and played with my finger tips.

"Some girls are better with their hands and some with their mouth." Said Draco.

I looked up and caught Mattheos glance.

"But I would much rather please then be pleased." Said Draco.

"Sure getting head is nice but something about fucking a bitch until they tear up in pleasure gets me going." Said Draco.

My face turned red and Mattheo seemed to take notice.

"Let's cool it down Draco." Said Mattheo looking at me.

"I apologize for everything you just heard." Said Mattheo grabbing my hand.

"That's okay." I said nervously giggling.

I felt Draco's gaze on me but I didn't dare look in his direction.

"I'm just fucking around I'm not actually disrespectful." Said Draco looking at me.

I didn't say anything.

I felt his ring filled hand grab my chin and he faced me towards him.

"Afraid to make eye contact?" He said staring directly at me.

Mattheo forced Draco's hand away from my chin and looked at me.

"Don't fucking touch her." He said.

"That's okay." I said looking down at the table again.

"You got her all uncomfortable." Said Mattheo.
"She's not a little girl she'll survive." Said Draco.

Pansy and Blaise walked back in.
The rest of the ride consisted of them 4 telling me what to expect from Hogwarts.

InevitableTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon