"Millie's been hurt?!"

"Nothing to get upset about. She only received a few bruises. Her skin didn't even break."

"What about my children? Are they alright?"

Stolas paused for a moment, trying to think of how to word his answer.

"Mr. Hamiliton, I don't wish to alarm you and I ask you to please remain calm once you hear this."

"Hear what?"

But before Stolas could explain, the morning air was filled with panicked screams from Millie.

"My babies! Where are my babies?!"

Moxxie instantly stood up and came out of the tent. He saw his wife frantically looking all around the area, in her arms she was clutching Maisie's toy bunny Fluffles.

"Mrs. Hamiliton please calm down." Stolas spoke.

"Calm down? Calm down?! My children are gone! And you expect me to calm down?!"

"Gone?!" Now Moxxie was getting upset. "What do you mean they're gone?!"

"I can't find them anywhere! All I found was their tent and it was destroyed!"

"Max! Maisie!" Moxxie started to call out. "My! Maisie!"

But no answer. Moxxie turned to Stolas and the others.

"Did you see them last night?"

"No." Stolas said. "We were all too busy fixing your injuries. We assumed they stayed in their tent all night. Too scared to come out."

"They were probably frightened off by the snake-lizard." Vox said. "So scared, that they ran to hide in the jungle."

"No, they didn't run away!" Millie argued. "Maisie would never leave Fluffles behind, especially if she was scared!"

"And Max knows not to run in the presence of a predator." Moxxie said. "He knows sudden movements only trigger the attack."

"Well what else could possibly explain their absence?" Vox asked.

"Hey I don't know if this means anything." Loona said. "But one of the jeeps we brought is also missing."

"Oh God Moxxie." Millie said further horrified. "They took them! Somebody took the children! Somebody stole our babies!"

"Charlie was taken too." Vaggie added. "Last night she was carried off by another wild animal."

"Another one?" Blitzo asked.

"It fought off that giant reptile that came to our camp and when the mercenaries started shooting at it, it just grabbed Charlie and disappeared."

"Did it grab my children?" Moxxie asked.

"No." Angel said. "It just wanted her."

"Then who has the kids?"

"Everyone let's not lose our heads here." Valentino spoke up. "Several people have gone missing, so instead of panicking we should go out and look for them."

"But where do we start?" Blitzo asked.

"I think we should contact the authorities." Vaggie said. "Try to get some professional help."

"And just how would we do that?" Vox asked. "The phone signal here is weak."

"We can at least try."

"In that case here's the plan." Blitzo said. "We'll divide into two groups. One will go into the jungle and search for Miss Morningstar and the children. The other group will stay here and try to contact help. I'll lead the rescue party."

The Island From HellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora