Let's Dress Up

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As early as the 1st month of the new year came, Choi Han came up with the festivals they had on Earth, with the idea of introducing new clothing styles and Cale helped in the designs. He remembered some traditional clothing styles from the few memories he had from high school and thought that the others might like them. The fashion styles in this world have very few similarities to the clothing designs they had on Earth.

Cale drew different designs of traditional Earth wear to commission to the tailor as spring arrived and flowers bloomed in the garden inside the Super Rock Villa. He asked for Ron to schedule a tailor or a few to visit the Henituse Castle in the Dukedom on the first week of the second month. He told the others to make time for that week to go to the Dukedom. Others, confused but nonetheless complied.

As the first week of the second month approached, only Cale, Choi Han, and Ron were the only ones who knew of the plan. Ron did not know of it but had the idea when he saw Cale sketching different clothing articles with names for whom the design was for.

He saw similarities to a few designs with others. He also saw the list the punk made with the young master of his. According to the notes, almost all the designs were from Asia―one of the seven continents their previous world had, said the punk when he inquired.

The group met up at the Henituse Mansion. The others who were away, like Alberu from the Royal Palace, Eruhaben from the Black Castle, Rosalyn from the Magic Tower, and Tasha and Mary from the City of Life, arrived in the Henituse territory. Raon and the others were brought over with Raon's magic from the Super Rock Villa, picking up the wolf children from the Harris Village. After greeting the Henituse family, they went to Cale's wing in the mansion. There waiting for them was a team of professional tailors.

Clap. Cale gathered everybody's attention and announced, "Alright. I asked Ron to gather a team of professional tailors to get our measurements for a surprise Choi Han and I put something together for everyone. No one can ask questions about their designs until the end. Only a few know, and you guys will know and see it before our picnic in the spring. Please begin."

The tailors went to their stations and began with the children as per Cale's instructions. The adults were waiting for their turns and went to see Cale, trying to get something, a clue.

"What brought this on, Dongsaeng?" Asks Alberu.

Cale looked at Rosalyn who got his signal and put on a noise-canceling barrier towards them and the tailors doing the children's measurements.

"Spring is coming, and Choi Han brought up the festivals that we had on Earth during spring. Choi Han and I are from Korea, the country we lived in, which had festivals during the first blooms of cherry blossoms." Cale explained.

"People liked picnics during those times and watched as cherry blossoms bloomed and the surroundings turned pink." Choi Han added, "Spring also starts around the third month. We also have a holiday of sorts during that time."

"Oh! What sort of holiday? " Rosalyn acquires, excited.

"We call it White Day, the 2nd Valentines. On the 14th day of the 2nd month, we give loved ones chocolates we made or bought as a sort of gift. The second month becomes the season to show affection. And for time for lovers too. And White Day, a month later, is for people returning their feelings and such." Choi Han says, shyly.

"Awe! That's romantic! " Tasha gushes.

"Chocolates, hmm..." Beacrox thinks of recipes for desserts.

"Are you giving chocolates for lovers only?" Mary asks curiously.

"Hm, not really. It was just when people normally confess to their loved ones. Generally, Valentines are for everyone you love. We have different types of chocolate to give people. Some for crushes, some for friends, for family, and other acquaintances. " Cale answers.

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