The Day to Celebrate Love

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After the tailors were finished in taking their measurements, the others decided to take the rest of the day to stay at the Black Castle. The adults were drinking tea and talking about their day to new discoveries they've made at the Magic Tower.

Cale was present and giving out his thoughts when asked, he was there relaxing and listening in to the others talking until he heard a certain story.

Apparently, the adults and some teens bought gifts to their kids and loved ones and giving them at new year's eve. It was also stated that it started because people saw Cale and Choi Han buying gifts at the City Square.

'Wow, the power and charisma of the protagonist is really something.'

Rosalyn, being extremely curious about another world and dimension, asks questions.

"Is gift giving on New Year also a custom back on Earth?"

"Hm not exactly. Some people gave gifts on New Year but the celebration and custom of gift giving is from a different holiday." Cale says.

"Why did you plan it for new year then?" Eruhaben asks.

"This world have entirely different religions. Back on Earth, we had Christmas, a celebration for the day of a God's birth. People of this religion celebrate on the 25th day of December, the 12th month. It just became tradition to many, other places and religions have their own similar events but do not celebrate Christmas."

"A celebration on a God's birth? On the mortal realm?" Sheritt intervenes.
"December?" Eruhaben ask, curious for the new word.

"I'm not really religious, but yes it was. Anyways, since this world has a different perspective of things, we just made so in new year's since that's more likely to be celebrated. Welcoming the New Year with gifts and happiness." Cale explains, "December is the name of the 12th month. Interestingly enough, it means 10th month but was changed when the calendar was reformed."

"What comes next then?" Tasha enters,

"Well, as was said earlier, we have Valentines on February, the 2nd month. The day for Love. Held on the 14th, and a month filled with romantic scenery." Choi Han says.

"Ah the custom for chocolate giving!" Rosalyn happily exclaimed.

"Chocolate, nyah!"

The kitten and dragon children entering the conversation after hearing about food.

"Hmm exactly. Bought or hand made chocolates were given to a loved one. Valentine's Day is a day for couples to celebrate their love with fancy dinners, boxes of chocolates, and flowers. Not only for couples because people also gave one to family and friends. Some culture have that women receives chocolates on Valentines day, some that women give the chocolate, then men receive their response a month later on White day." Cale explains, "There are many types of chocolate, and while usually the relationship between the giver and receiver is usually already established, in some cases the intent might not be so clear. Chocolate can serve to further the relationship, and in some cases, the type of chocolate can give subtle cues about the relationship's standing."

"Ah meaningful gifts," Alberu hums, "Any in particular?"

"Japan has that culture, right Cale-nim?" Choi Han asks which Cale nodded to, "I don't remember much now though." He sighs.

Cale then explained the different types of chocolate given on Valentines day, "Japan, a neighboring country, have categories or types of chocolate given by the sender and receiver. First is the Giri choco or the Obligation chocolate. Chocolate that has to be given to higher ups, bosses, neighbors, and such. This was later banned because this meant having to give to too many people, or the pressure to give to the people you know."

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