1 <Xornoth>

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Xornoth woke up in a cold sweat. He was panting hard recalling the dream he's had every night for as long as he can remember. He got out of bed and looked out the window. He looked up at the moon and mentally figured out that it was 1am.

He sighed as it came to mind again. His twin brother, horns growing from his head and corruption vines crawling up his body, going all the way up to his neck. A devilish smirk on his face, and corruption surrounding them, all over Rivendell.

Xornoth rarely got any sleep because of this dream. It's not because he was scared of his brother. In fact he was far from it, he was worried for Scott. Worried about how he got to that point. Worried if the real Scott was even still there in him. Worried that Scott didn't remember who he was.

I mean they grew up, together, in Rivendell, but in that dream, he always saw Scott destroying it, they're home.

Xornoth ended up going downstairs and outside. He wanted to take his mind off things and he thought it would be best to take a midnight fly to do so. So he flew up into the air and just started flying into a random direction.

He was flying towards the Grimlands, which at this point was covered in corruption. When he had seen this it immediately made him think back to Scott, who had been creating these vines ever since him and Pearl came to this world.

Xornoth started to worry so much more. The corruption here was so much worse then it was in Rivendell. Come to think of it, Rivendell had the least amount of corruption then every other empire. So if his dream was a glimpse of the future, like how Katherine suggested, then how bad was everyone else's empires?

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