The aftermath and a vacation

Start from the beginning

"You know what we need," Mix said into Earth's shoulder, both of them dozing off on the couch, Earth turned to look at him waiting for him to continue, "We need a vacation"

Earth thought about it for a moment, "I've always wanted to go to London"

A year later:

It took a full year later for them to actually go on a trip, what with the constant ghost hunting cases keeping them busy. Mix fell completely in love with it, the thrill of success, the slight fear and rush when they faced something they had never seen before. He wouldn't change it for anything, no way was he going back to being holed up in his house afraid to go out. He loved helping the spirits the most, one of his gifts he came to find out was making terrified souls feel relaxed in his presence enough to make them feel comfortable to be laid to rest. The big cases are exhilarating but helping was Mix's favourite part for sure.

Earth was worried when everything had been solved, afraid that now Mix would find no reason to continue doing this with him, but he was severely mistaken. Mix was a natural at the entire thing, a valuable aid with his gift as well. Going on cases together and teaching Mix everything was the best part of it all, helping each other to succeed and relying on each other for protection together, they made an unstoppable team and Earth wouldn't change a single thing except for maybe one small matter.
"Errrddddd The line is too long, let's just get something to eat!!" Mix whined, lips pouting as he pulled on the sleeve of Earth's blue sweater. They have been standing in line for over twenty minutes now to get on the Ferris wheel, the queue moving very slowly.

"I promise we'll go eat afterwards, I really want to try this Mix" Earth answered with a pout of his own, they were being very loud and clingy, but he didn't care. "Going on a Ferris wheel was on my list of things we could do together, it's romantic". Earth had made an entire list before leaving writing all the things he wanted them to do, they had already ticked off going to various parks and going to the beach, trying all the food that they could and going on a late-night boat trip, a personal favourite so far, the next stop being the amusement park they were at now.
At this Mix blushed, hiding his face in Earth's shoulder, Earth knew he got him, "Ugh, fine I'll wait but you are buying me popcorn after this". Mix punched Earth's shoulder lightly as the latter went to kiss his cheek in reply. Mix muttering to himself that they are being one of those annoying couples. He felt Earth's tug then as he pushed him forwards as the line finally started to move.

It took another ten minutes but finally, they got on, Earth already looking excited as he almost vibrated in place. The Ferris Wheel started to move then, bringing them up and up reaching the highest peak. It took a long time to get on, but Mix can admit that the view is breath-taking, the sun going down and seen off in the distance, the city lay in front of them, lights twinkling. Earth took his hand, smiling as if to say see wasn't it worth it. Mix smiled back nodding, he leaned forward giving Earth a brief kiss, just a touch of lips and then proceeded to lay his head back on Earth's shoulder looking at the view together. "Not complaining but that could have been a bit longer" Earth whispered, as he brought their connected hands to his lips. Mix looked at him to answer, "Buy me popcorn first".

After the Ferris wheel and multiple photos later, something about Earth wanting to capture every single moment of their trip, Mix is finally satisfied with his popcorn in hand, the tub almost empty as they make their way through the rest of the park. Earth wanted to play many of the games there to win prizes including the ring toss and shooting games but after losing consequently and Mix beating him each time he gave up, holding on to the three cat plushies that Mix had won for him, one white, the other grey with stripes and the last brown with folded ears. Mix was eyeing three little kitten plushies too, but Earth stopped him saying that that would be too much and there's no way they can carry them all. They made their way through the crowds, Mix disposing of the empty tub and taking the brown cat plushie from Earth seeing as he was struggling a bit to hold them all. Earth turned to him then "Do you want to go someplace else or?"

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