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The first thought that goes through Earth's mind is that he is getting too old for this. The second thought is that he is going to strangle Neo when they get out of this for not mentioning that the female spirit wasn't the only victim at this school.
Ancient, the spectre nearing them looked ancient. A boy perhaps in his teenage years, wearing a uniform probably of decades past, a rusted old chain wrapped securely around his neck. So tightly wrapped that it caused a visible indent into his skin, his face visible cyanosed, eyes bulged and a blue tongue popping out.

His Aura Earth noticed was tinged with strong streaks of red and black, Angry.... very angry. "Earth?", Mix whispered into the silence, trying not to let his voice break "Where's my amulet?".

The realisation hit Earth so strongly, he's sure all colour has left his skin, shit he gave the amulet to Phuwin. "Mix......RUN!!!!!!"

Maybe not one of the best ideas that Earth ever had, as that triggered their guest to also start following them. All Earth knew at that moment is that he needed to get Mix as far away as possible, so he could think of a better plan quickly. Earth and Mix whipped past the grounds, increasing their pace as they passed the first entrance they found leading to a flight of stairs. Taking precaution not to slip they marched on corridor after corridor hoping to put some distance after them, breaths getting haggard and heavier. In the end, Earth knew eventually this was all futile, with Mix being a literal ghost magnet without his amulet, the spirit will find them eventually. However, if Earth had to guess, that chain around its neck looked heavy, giving him hope that the spirit's pace would be slow enough for him to figure out what to do next.

As they continued to run albeit at a much slower pace than when they had started, especially Mix who wasn't used to this much strenuous activity living comfortably in his little home which seemed so far away right now. Earth brought his hand up to the device in his left ear connecting it with Neo.

"Hi Earth How's, it goin—"

"No time for chit chat Neo, we are literally being followed by a vengeful ghost right now" Earth pressed.

"What? How's that possible, there weren't any more deaths reported at this school besides the girl!!"

"You tell me, cause right now something is definitely following us and I didn't feel it before", At that moment They arrived at the end of the corridor with no other way out except a door leading to a classroom. Making their way in, Earth pushed one of the heavy oak desks to block the door, Mix helping him on the other side.

Earth looked at Mix already ready to apologise for the hundredth time, expecting Mix to look distressed or frightened with the entire ordeal. Instead to his surprise Mix looked composed, his jaw set in a determined line, he nodded to Earth as the latter beckoned him to move towards the end of the room where the whiteboards lay.

"Hey, Earth? You still hear me?" Neo's voice comes alive again on the line.
"Yeah, We're here, tell me you found something?"
"I did.... well turns out that that wasn't the only death that happened here BUT in my defence, the other death happened literally 67 years ago, It wasn't even an all-girls school back then, the reason I didn't know about it before is because it was buried by all news reports so that the school's reputation wouldn't have been ruined....A 17-year-old male was killed by two other males via suffocation with a gate chain leaving him tied there, something to do with their families being rivals and all that but not important to us. This guy has been asleep for decades, Mix's presence is probably the trigger for waking him up" Neo finished.
"He's angry than for what his schoolmates did to him" Earth continued "Explains the malicious Aura surrounding him"

"Earth there isn't any other choice, even with Phuwin there, this spirit is too vengeful after all these years to be healed, you know what you have to do"

"Got it Neo, I'm hanging up now"
After tapping the device in his ear Earth took something from his pocket, a set of small stars the colour of amethyst, seeing Mix's confused expression Earth explained "Boom's invention, he's our tech guy, these stars when thrown at a spirit have the ability to attach and keep the spirit in place, they have wards inside them specific to tethering, giving us enough time to finish the Banishing script we use"

Mix was about to nod his head, when the sound of banging on the door started, continuous and increasing in frequency making the desk shake, not long before it moved.
"Right on time... Are You ready for this Mix?"
"Ready as I'll ever be"

Three more loud bangs followed until the desk couldn't withstand any longer and toppled over, revealing the chained spirit. A horrendous screech erupted from its bound neck, as it took one foot in front of the other closer inside the room.
Earth leapt forward, stars in hand as he dodged the toppled desk as it flew right past him, the sound of it crashing into the floor and splintering in half, he moved stealthily and with caution as the spirit kept swinging the chain around its neck with the intention of hitting him. Just a bit closer and he could accurately attach the amethyst stars to it. So close was he that he didn't see the chain coming up from behind him wrapping around his neck causing him to be tossed to the other side of the room.

Fuck he needed to get up before the spirit catches up to him vulnerable on his back on the floor. He could feel his left ear vibrating, the impact causing his communicating device to crumble in his ear. The spirit looked at him and then turned not interested at all to finish the job. That's when Earth realised, he made the biggest miscalculation. He should have known from the start that he was just a distraction from the beginning, the spirit's target none other than Mix. His aura enticing it to it like a moth to a flame. Earth needed to think of something fast, grunting and wincing, willing himself to get up, he needs to get to Mix.

Mix knew what was coming next, had witnessed his father as a child tell him stories of how close he was many times to having ghosts possess his body. How if it wasn't for his mother, he was done for many times, her touch the only thing keeping the spirits out like a barrier. Mix as a child never understood if the stories were true or not. Perhaps his father making up these tales was a way for him to connect Mix with a mother he didn't know enough, having died young. His way of telling him how much his mother loved his father and in turn loved him. Mix closed his eyes, running would be useless, if it was going to happen, then he needed to fight it mentally from entering and possessing his body with all he got.

A scream followed; a scream so full of excruciating pain that it probably transmitted through the entire building with its force. Only it didn't come from Mix, No, Mix felt nothing except comfort, a warm strong embrace surrounding him. A solid chest pressed against his back turning him around to face the bare whiteboard instead, Mix could feel their heartbeats aligning, confusing which rhythm actually belonged to him. Two strong arms wrapped around his stomach secured tightly desperate in their grip to not let go. He could feel deep exhales on his neck and a weight pressed on his right shoulder, can feel each individual strand of hair as it grazes his chin.
Mix opened his eyes, turning his head just enough to gaze at Earth's face, his own eyes tightly closed. "Earth?" Mix asked gently, his hands coming up against Earth's laying them on his and squeezing them." Earth I'm fine, please open your eyes for me"
Earth's lashes gently fluttered as he opened them, immediately locking gazes with Mix. Mix looking up at him with those magnetic eyes of his, his neck turned as much as he can considering the grip Earth has on him. He didn't t know how he even ended up like this, only that as soon as he saw the spirit coming up so close to Mix, he ran as fast as he could to get before it. He then turns to look at the spirit still clutching its hand and screaming in pain, its hand wasn't like that before Earth noticed. The ghost's hand looked charred black like it just got burnt. Earth takes a look around him and then gasps. His aura usually a golden colour was surrounding him and Mix, joining with and integrating with Mix's bright white aura forming loops and braids and almost integrating to give off a bright yellow light. At that moment he looks down again to see Mix smiling up at him. "Earth" He whispers" Go on, finish the job".
He takes a steadying breath in to centre himself, closing his eyes again. Earth starts chanting, his voice still breaking in between the verses due to all they have freshly been through, he feels Mix squeezing his hands in comfort encouraging him to continue, he's here, he's safe.
The spirit's cries lessen and lessen as Earth gets to the end until only silence envelopes them, the sound of their breathing and their hearts the only thing present. Mix once again gently squeezes Earth's hands to bring him to open his eyes again.
Still embracing each other, Mix Turns Earth's face towards him again, looking into his eyes.

 Maybe his father wasn't lying to just comfort him after all.

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