First meetings

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"Well, I think we got the right house down" said Luke, looking at the small bungalow in front of them at the literal edge of the town. Symbols of different design and languages lined the walls of the entire house, Visible wards drawn upon the soil and grass, regularly redone. The windows were closed, and some kind of powder lined the edges of every windowsill. All in all, the most ghost proof House you can find.

Well, if you were a literal spirit magnet, you would think of every precaution Earth thought, as both he, Jan and Luke made their way to the house's door. Jan took it upon herself to knock thrice, all the while Luke and Earth looked nervously at each other and with anticipation as the sounds of multiple locks was heard slowly inching the door to open, barely showing the presence of the person behind the door. The man shrouded in darkness did not open the door any farther just a sliver, enough to get a glimpse of Jan.

"Hi, uhm do I know you?" a captivating voice answers, barely above a whisper but enough to be understood
Jan answers first "Good morning, I know this may be sudden and unexpected, but we require your help"

"If this is what I think it is about then please don't bother, I don't want anything to do with this", Mix already ready to close the small space he allowed to expose. Jan didn't even need to think about it, her foot immediately coming up to stop the door from fully closing. "Mix.... I don't think this is the right way to greet an old friend of your father, is it?"

Mix faltered upon hearing that"You know my father and my name?", shock evident in the way he spoke and stood still. "Not only knew him" Jan Explained "I worked with him too, please Mix this is important, we just want to talk, we aren't forcing you do anything if you don't want to"

Mix thought about it, he didn't own anything to these people even if they knew his father, he could still close the door and continue to live blindly without thinking about this ever again.

"Come in and close the door behind you, don't break the seal on the floor", And just like That Mix seemed to almost vanish into the corridors of his house, his steps light barely heard. Jan, Luke and Earth follow inside hurrying their pace and making their way to what seems to be a living room seeing Mix's retreating back.

The living room just like the rest of the house was lined with various symbols upon the walls, along with protective statues and figurines lining any crevice or shelf.

"Please take a seat, I'll make tea"

The trio sit down upon the cream-coloured sofa lined with a warm cerulean blanket seeming out of place. No one uttered a single word almost transfixed, time seemed to stop here, the house so still, its inhabitant so peculiar and unlike anyone Earth ever met before.

From the start Earth couldn't see what He looked like, the door casting a shadow on his face when they met him for the first time, and inside only his back was visible to them. Earth didn't know what to expect but whatever his mind tried to conjure up it had nothing on the real thing.

Mix entered with a tray filled with dainty white cups, but Earth could only focus on his face. There was no other way to describe him but ethereal, someone almost unreal, porcelain skin almost looking like marble, alluring doe eyes, deep and brown, catching the light and twinkling almost cat like with long black lashes and pretty plump limps. A chain the colour of moonlight on a dainty neck ending into an amulet the colour of pearls sitting in the centre between his collarbones. The amulet seemed to vibrate almost, having a life of its own. Even from where Earth was sitting, he felt the power it had on Mix's being.

Luke snickering stepped on Earth's foot breaking him out of the trance he was in whispering into Earth's ear, "Might want to stop staring at him Earth, you are weirding him out" trying his damn best not to laugh out loud.

"Anyways Back to why we are actually here" annoyance evident in Jan's voice as she took the cup Mix handed to her "Mix, I know that this isn't what you want but we seriously need your help, We would have never come here if there was another option, Earth is gifted with the sight but even he cannot see in this particular case"

Mix takes a look at the man Jan alluded to, Mix wasn't blind, the man Earth was gorgeous but for some reason Mix couldn't manage to look into his eyes for too long, his stare too magnetic, a force pulling him even if Mix tried to fight it, something about his presence confusing Mix and his amulet burning a bit on his skin the more he tried not to look at him.

He looked again at Jan "And even if I want to help you, what can I do, this being must be powerful and vengeful if it has the ability to not be seen" His calm voice betraying the slight tremble in his hands as Mix's fingers come to touch his amulet.

"What you are essentially asking me to do is to become a target, a target for whatever this thing is to come after me, my body isn't like yours, I'm more susceptible to possession and manipulation, So tell me how you expect me to put myself in danger like that?", Mix was this close to standing, realising what he was about to do, he takes a deep breath, settling down a bit more into the cushions of his armchair " Listen, I want to help you, but you have to understand even though my father helped you in the past, he never wanted me to do what he did, he gave me this amulet for a reason, he knew his son would be an even stronger beacon to spirits, You think it's my choice that I live like this, constantly protected and in fear of something finally being strong enough to break me!!!"

Earth stood up that moment knowing they are losing this bit of hope second by second "We will protect you; we won't let you go alone; I promise you; nothing will happen to you under our care"

. The stare Mix gave to Erath was chilling and devoid of emotion, Earth was right Mix's eyes definitely weren't of this world.

"Excuse me for not believing that Earth, I don't know any of you and you can't guarantee anything", Mix said with an air of finality "I'm sorry but you are asking the wrong person, please don't bother me again".

"We understand Mix" Jan finally said "You can forget we ever come here. However. no matter how much you want to deny it, you have a gift, don't be scared of it all your life"

"If this is a gift then I'll gladly return it back" Mix uttered "A gift shouldn't make you feel so useless and weak"

"Being a beacon doesn't make you weak Mix, it makes you a source of light when it all seems dark, you give clarity to what doesn't want to be seen but you are yet blind to it"

Mix doesn't know what to respond to this and he doesn't need to, the trio bidding their goodbyes and leaving, not leaving any trace that they were even here leaving Mix as he has been during all these years, alone.

Visibly frustrated Luke muttered "So what we going to do now?"
"We must find another way, we have options, we have time, we can gather resources and we ca—wait its Neo, he's calling us"

"Neo? Yeah, we are all hearing you, please tell me you have some good news cause we don't"

"I wish I did Earth; we have an even bigger problem than we thought, you remember the owner of the house right?"

"Yes, the woman, why what happened? Earth asked confused

"Well, she's dead"

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